
My lap top turns itself off what could be the problem? I have had it looked at but to no avail help!?

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My lap top turns itself off what could be the problem? I have had it looked at but to no avail help!?




  1. well you should get a anti virus to see if that helps or you should alway keep ur laptop plugged in :)

  2. It sounds like your battery has reached the end of its usable life.  Try replacing the rechargeable battery inside it.  You can usually purchase one from the manufacturer for around $100.

  3. Either its the battery, or its overheating. If it suddenly turns off while plugged in its overheating. Make shore it gets air circulation (dont put it on a bed). You can buy a fan to put on it. Clean the air vents in your laptop.

    If that doesnt work its the battery and you need a new one.

    Hope this helps

  4. If it is restarting by itself the problem could be a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). These are usually caused by driver problems, so you could try disabling any new hardware or drivers you have added. You'll know this is the problem if you see a blue screen with some white text come up before it shuts down or restarts.

  5. Mine does that occasionally, when it gets too hot. I got a small platform to sit it on that has 2 built in fans, and I make sure the ceiling fan in my room (above where I keep the computer) is always running when it is on.

    Of course, I only run my computer when plugged in, so if you use battery power for yours, it could be a battery issue (although typically the machine will let you know it's getting low on juice).

  6. that happened to me and they said the motherboard was broken.

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