
My laptop keeps switching off..?

by  |  earlier

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Anytime I move the power cable or try to adjust the laptop if the cable moves it just switches off. Do I need a new power cable or has my computer had it?




  1. First Thing: how old is the battery you may need to replace it cause its maybe not holding its charge.

  2. go in to your power set up, you may have the time set to low, by that I mean you can set the amount of time the laptop stays on regarding how much power is in the battery so check for set ups first.

    Failing that leave it on charge for about twelve hours and see how much in percentage terms the battery is charged

  3. I had the same problem and in my case it was the power socket on the laptop. unfortunately with MOST laptops it means taking all the componants out and repairing it witch took me & my dad about 6hours of work & its very difficult to do and putting everything back is also very difficult. You could probably do it if you're an electrician.

    That's why desktops are better because when they go wrong they're lots easier to repair and cheaper to repair.

    Try not to remove the power cable from the laptop because every time its likely to get worse until it breaks totally.

    Sorry i haven't been much help

    But it could be something else entirely but its probably this problem

  4. you should make it fully charged

    or get a new battery

  5. It could be a couple of things.

    it could be that the battery isn't holding a charge either because it isn't making  good contact or because it is dead.

    Try removing the battery and re seating it. Then let it try to charge. If that fails then my guess is that the battery is SHOT


  6. Sounds like you may need a new battery.

  7. yea to be honest totaly sounds like its your laptop. could be your powersupply, go buy one from like best buy or somewhere like that where you could return it really easy if its not the case and test it out.

    but that little plug in the back of your laptop that you plug the power into is basically a little plug that is fixed to the motherboard, and if you manhandle it alot, its going to eventually detatch and your gona have to get a new laptop, they cant fix that problem. so if you have partially destroyed your laptop, try to get what info off of it before it totaly dies on you. cuz if you dont your gona have to take it in and its gona cost youl ike 60 bucks to get the info off of it 8\...

    Future prevention: make sure when you use your laptop and its in your lap, try not to have it plugged in cuz im sure you realize you probably hit the plug alot with your leg or what ever. try to go to like bed bath and beyond, or ikea, or what ever furniture store and get a lap table thing for your laptop if you must have it in your lap. if not, try to take your laptop to a computer table or somwhere where you wouldn't hit the plug while its plugged in, or just use it till the battery dies. then plug it back in and let it charge. laptops are fragile, be carful in the future. GL

  8. It could be your computer or the laptop wire.

    If the screen just goes completely black all of a sudden then it is the wire.

    If the laptop runs the shutdown procedures then it could be the laptop but it may not be completely stuffed.

    1. It could be overheating so check that any fans or ventilation holes are working and not clogged up with dust etc

    2. It could be a computer virus which has infected your computer, in this case run your anti virus software if you have any and see what result it gives.

    My personal experience for getting rid of a virus is just a complete reformat and reinstall of the windows system altogether which can be done by taking it to a local computer shop, should cost about £45. However can be done yourself if you have the windows system disc and know what you are doing with computers

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