
My laptop says it is connected to a local area connection but wont work?

by  |  earlier

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I plug my local area connection cable into my laptop from my modem, and it comes up on the laptop and says it is connected

but the internet doesnt work?





  1. into the address bar, press enter.

  2. Certification-

  3. start>run> and write ping

    if it's requst time out that's mean you are not connected to internet

    replay that's mean you are connecting in this case if your internet browser dosent load pages there is some setting in the explorer

    can you send me more details ..

    double click over the connecting > support .. and tell me your ip address, subnet mask, gateway ip

    thank , hope to help more

  4. You must be connected but are you having an internet? call your ISP now.

  5. If you plug in your computer directly to the modem without resetting the modem, that's normally when you get that problem. If your computer is on, then reset the router after plugging it into your laptop.

  6. hi in ur monitor right side der wil be a icon which indicates local connection just right click n click on open network connection and den right click in it n click disable and after tht again enable it might work

  7. Sound like a router problem.

    Unplug your modem, then your router, turn off your computer.

    Plug in the modem, then router after all the lights are on turn on your computer.

    All of the IP's should be reset if not right click on your network screen and hit "diagnose and repair"

    you should be good after that.

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