
My laptop won't turn on?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so my laptop has been messing up for the past few hours. First, I was playing Team Fortress 2 and it just randomly closed the game, and then froze up. Then when I reset it, it was in 1600X1200 resolution(it had been in 1920X1200 before) and it wouldn't let me change it.

I ended up fooling around with the computer a bit to see what would fix it, and if it didn't work I simply changed it back. One of the times, however, I went to Display Properties/Settings/Advanced and eventually found options for the driver(I'm not sure what they were because my memory isn't perfect and my desktop doesn't have the same options). Under these options, there was something where it gave me the choice between like 5 different options and I chose automatic. That's about as descriptive as I can get. I also changed the amount of memory given to my video card from 1.6 GB to 2.5 but it said the max was 3.3(I did this to fix the game problem, not the screen). After that I reset it to see if the screen was still messed up but it never started up again. It got to the windows logo, let it load, then went black. Did I trigger this by messing around with it? How do I fix it? I already tried safe mode, and going back to most recent settings.




  1. It booted up in safe mode?  Did you try accessing the video settings in safe mode and returning it to the default configuration?

  2. I had a similar problem recently with a laptop too. A capacitor went on it. The capacitor controlled the backlights that turn on when the computer fires up, and once replaced, the computer works again.  

  3. This sounds silly but it happened to my sisters laptop and it was beacuse the battery wasnt charged!!!! But if that is not the problem just take it to a local computer shop and they will no who to fix it!

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