
My last period was on July 18th and no period in Aug. I Did test on Aug 11th. Neg.. Could I be pregnant?

by Guest34431  |  earlier

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Please Help? My husband and I are trying to conceive..




  1. If you're last period was in July then a pregnancy test should be accurate by now so I would re-test and schedule an appt with your ob/gyn.

    If you're pregnant, you'll need to schedule prenatal appt.  If you're not pregnant, you need to find out why you're period hasn't started.  It could be a functional cyst (which are normal to get) taking it's time to resolve itself.

  2. I would test again to get your answer.  If it comes back negative again then I would call your Dr for a blood test.  If you normally have a regular cycle you might want them to check you out if you aren't PG and just not getting your period.

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