
My last period was on the 27th aug and now we are on 29 sept and i have not got my period yet, am i pregnant??

by Guest64848  |  earlier

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My last period was on the 27th aug and now we are on 29 sept and i have not got my period yet, am i pregnant??




  1. only way to tell for sure is to take a pregnancy test!

  2. sorry yes you must be, it's playing tricks with your brian?, this is the TRAVEL section.

  3. take a pregnancy test and find out

  4. why have you asked this in this section????

  5. well...yes congrats ur  pregnant....hope u ll have the baby bc is verry important,u  haveing a new life in ur special,is  something that it cant be explained  in words..

  6. What does the pregnancy test say?

  7. First of all, have you had s*x in the last few weeks? If not dont worry, periods can sometimes be irregular! If you have had s*x then best go get a pregnancy test kit!

  8. there is a good chance, if u think u could be.

  9. Unless you have been shagging Spanish waiters this question is in the wrong category.

  10. Why on earth did you ask this question HERE?????

    This is a question for the health has nothing to do with travel, nor Aragon in Spain...

    Now for an answer...

    If you haven't done can't be preggies...

    If you have, take a pregnancy test in another week and you'll find it out for sure..

    If it comes up positive...BINGO....and then... go to a gynecologist!

  11. Not necessarily. Periods are not always on time, but if you are worried enough, only a pregnancy test can answer your question.

  12. That depends on several factors.

    1. Are your periods normally regular?

    2. Have you had unprotected s*x in recent weeks?

    3. Are you of childbearing age?

    If the answer to those is 'Yes', then you are due a period. If you don't have one, then pregnancy is a possibility. There are a lot of other factors why you may be missing a period however. You should also consider

    1. Has there been a recent change in your contraceptive device, e.g. a change of pill.

    2. A dramatic loss of weight can stop periods.

    3. Severe emotional stress can stop periods.

    I would be careful about rushing out to buy a pregnancy test, as they are notoriously inaccurate in the very early stages of pregnancy. If you do take one, and get a negative result, I would certainly repeat it after a few more weeks. Though by that stage, you may well have caught up with your due period.

  13. Is there a chance you could be? Only you can answer that one. If yes, take a pregnancy test.

  14. wrong category, but take a test and consider using protection

  15. probably not if you've been under stress or working out.  Lots of exersice makes you loose a period and also stress.  But if you think you are pregnant, just get a test they can test as early as 4 days missed period.

  16. no you're paranoid, give it another week if it still has'nt come then you panic.

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