
My last perod was july 24. we werent trying for a baby but we had a slip up on august 1. am i pregant?

by  |  earlier

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no period yet and no signs that it is coming but i also have no signs i am pregnant! i thought you werent even fertile after your period anyways..or are you? my period was due a week and a half ago!!




  1. funny you should say that as im 12 days late to have signs of being pregnant to.i was due on the 19th august.and still nothing.

    you are fertile before and 10 days after you period if you go to google and put in ovulation calendar.i have put this link in for you so you can work out if you could be or not ,just put in what it asks as you are the only one whos knows lol.and it will tell you.

    good luck to ya x

  2. Your most fertile about a week after your period. And yes you can get pregnant any time of the month. Take a preg test it will tell you for sure. If you are you will probably start getting symptons pretty soon.  

  3. Take a test and find out, unless you know for sure when you ovulate then you won't know when you are fertile.  

  4. It's possible. You ovulate after your period and can get pregnant during that time. I would take a home test since you are late.  

  5. nobody can answer that on here, it's a 50/50 chance always, anytime you have s*x. if you don't want to have a baby with a person than you shouldn't have s*x with them, or at all for that matter. if you think about it s*x is not for pleasure, it is for procreation. you also need to worry about STDs, or were you thinking that a baby is the worst thing you guys could catch? either way you need to go to the doc. or go to Planned Parenthood

  6. Sometimes I just want to explode when I see questions that ask Am I pregnant? My goodness, seriously how are we suppose to know. Take a test once your period is late. Or you can go to a dr. and get a blood test.  

  7. You can get pregnant any time of the month.

  8. If you're already a week and a half late then the test will be accurate so go ahead and take one. :-)

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