
My last question tonight. Please tell me if this is normal?

by  |  earlier

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Got my period yesterday and today it randomly starts flooding my pants. Haha. Not literally. But i had a total of I think four [BIG] clots. They've stopped in the past two hours, as has the extremely heavy bleeding, and now my period is back to normal, as if this never happened.

Is this a one-time thing, or normal in any way? Maybe to make up for the fact that I skipped a lot this summer?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give, and good night!




  1. yeah...everyones period is different...and you may have different changes as you grow...or you may not. like i said everyone is different, and that happens to my cousin

  2. Hmm... the four big clots you mentioned are just fine. And since you said you skipped a lot this summer, it is just the lining deteriorating away. I get that all the time. As for the skipping, if you exercise too much or if your body is not getting enough vitamins/minerals, it can affect your menstrual cycle. Any sudden diet change can explain the skips. And extreme heavy bleeding is usually because of low iron content in body (i used to get really heavy periods, and the doc prescribed me irons tablets because he said I was close to being anemic) =O so... your situation sounds fine to me. Just normal, I don't think there's anything to worry about. =)

    Hope that helps!

    P.S. I forgot to mention, I went to Japan this summer and had really different diet there and my period was 3 weeks late!

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