
My lawyer is now defending victim?

by  |  earlier

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ok so my lawyer has been representing me for almost nine months on a case where i was blamed for a house burning well two days ago he told me we was defending the man whose house burnt (the vicitm) and could no longer represent me can he do this??? he knows all my info an dstuff




  1. Absolutely not.  This is considered a conflict of interest and you should report the attorney to your state's Bar Association.

    Go to your state's Bar Association's website, you can look up the lawyer to see if any other complaints have been placed against him.  In addition, some Bar Association's websites offer an online complaint form that you can complete online and submit.

    If you are unable to locate the information, please send me an email and include the attorney's name and address and I will instruct you on what you should do.  You need to make sure this is completed in a timely manner before the case is heard in court.

    Best wishes.

  2. That sounds fishy.  Anything you say to him would be protected under the lawyer client privilege and cannot be shared with anyone.  

    If there is an issue with the lawyer, you can always call the bar association and ask them if it is allowable for your lawyer to do that.  If it isn't they can probably tell you how to file a complaint and get him in trouble.

  3. You need to report him your state's American Bar Association I think this is a conflict of interest and it sounds unethical.  Find another lawyer, I wouldn't trust that Bozo.

  4. There is no way he can represent the other side, that is a conflict of interest. Do report him, he will be sanctioned for this act. Don't let him get away with it. He must be crazy, he knows he has a fiduciary obligation to his clients and he is violating ethical rules.  

  5. He has an unethical conflict of interest which is not allowed under the canons of professional ethics for attorneys.  Report it to the judge to whom the case has been assigned.  Report it to the disciplinary committee of the state bar.

  6. I am not a legal expert, but that seems like a major ethics violation to me!

    You should check with the bar association and they should be able to help.

    Good luck!!  =o)

  7. No, he cannot do this.  Contact the state bar immediately and report this.

    Also, immediately get another lawyer to bring a motion in court to prevent your former lawyer from representing anyone else.

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