
My lease ends tomorrow. Do I have to finish moving out tomorrow or do I have until the first?

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I've heard a little bit of both. Do you have to be out on the day that the lease expires on or I've heard you have until noon the following day. Which is true?

Professional knowledge or experience only please.

Thank you.




  1. You have to be out on midnight the night your lease expires.

    This is why. Supposed you leased a place starting the first of September with the understanding that the previous person's lease was up the last day of August. How would you feel when you began to move in the moring of the first only to find the previous tenant still there? Two people can't have possession of the same house at the same time?

    Here's the potential ramification for you. Many contracts are written so that if you occupy a dwelling for any part of a month you owe rent for the entire month. In other words, if you don't vacate until noon on the first of September you could end up owing rent for the entire month of September. I know it's harsh but keep your eyes open.

    You didn't mention it but how about extending your lease. Most leases automatically convert to month to month when the lease is up. You didn't say if you're leaving voluntarily or not.

  2. Your lease has a start date and an END Date.  You must be out on the last date listed, by midnight.  Sometimes they have to keep their stuff in a truck overnight, but frequently they can get in a day early if the other tenants vacated early.

    READ your lease--know what you agreed to and signed.  It's There!

  3. You must be out the day your lease expires.  That said, you can  certainly ask your landlord for an extension to the next day.  They may allow you to do so for a day's rent, for no charge or they may not  allow you.  

    It doesn't  hurt to ask!  Good luck!

  4. People store their stuff in the moving truck.

    You have to be out on the 31st, when the lease expires.   If you stay another day, even part you will owe rent for the entire month and have to submit another 30 day notice.

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