
My left arm hurts me and my elbow and wrist

by  |  earlier

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it feels like i got a pinched nerve, my pinky finger is tingly and my whole arm hurts and aches, its been like this for four days. i did not hurt myself.or anything, what os wrong?




  1. This is actually a good question and a common problem which can be fixed with very little treatment, and a medical doctor is not going to be able to help you out.

    This is your number #6 vertebrae in your upper back which is definitely out of place. The systematic effect results from a pinched nerve and it conducts pain through the elbow and into the pinky finger exactly as you are experiencing.

    You need to take 400 mg of iboprophen twice a day and go to a good chiropractor twice in one week. You will feel immediate relief within 24 hours after treatment.

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