
My left eye!?

by  |  earlier

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My left eye has been itching alot!! It's been feeling that way for about 2 weeks and I just got soft contacts about 3 or 4 months ago.

And now my left eye has been starting to hurt.

What's wrong and what should I do? Please help it's really annoying!




  1. Have you changed contact lens solutions recently? That would be a cause for these symptoms. Also, do you wear your contacts as perscribed (i.e. don't wear when sleeping unless instructed to, don't extend the replacement period) If you're doing one of these things that will definately cause these types of problems. DO NOT wear your contacts for extended periods of time or replace them less often than the doctor said to. This can have major consequences.

    If all the following does not apply, try an over-the-counter drop that you can pick up at any pharmacy.

    Are you having any discharge from the eye? If so then it's most likely Conjuctavitis. This can be treated by going to your primary care provider.

    Is the pain a burning or is it like a pressure behind your eye? If it's the later, see a doctor immediately. This could be a sign of increased pressure in the eye.

    Also, if you've started taking some new medication check the side effects.

    If all else fails, you may have to try a new type of contact lens. No worries, this is a common occurance.

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