
My left foot and ankle gets pretty swollen. No injuries. The right foot is normal. What could this indicate?

by Guest63007  |  earlier

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I was on diuretics a few yrs back for high blood pressure. Now i am on regular channel blockers. Am i jumping the gun to think it may be a heart issue? (my worst fear) I am 45 and i have had high bp since i was 14.




  1. Could be a normal variant, probably familial. Can result from standing for a long time or sitting in bus,auto or airplane for an extended period. Could be due to an obstruction of the femoral or iliac veins in the groin or lower pelvis. Worst scenario: the obstruction could be a tumor. This is more likely if the swelling is of relatively recent origin, less likely if the condition has been going on for years.

  2. have you been checked for diabetes? poor circulation causes swelling, especially in the feet, that is one of the first signs of being diabetic.

  3. Aside from diabetes there are numerous other explanations. One such explanation is gout. However that is also unlikely unless you are experiencing pain. It is most likely fluid collecting from poor circulation if it doesn't improve in a couple of days you may want to consider going to a doctor.

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