
My left side of head hurts some time so bad. do you think i have tumor?

by  |  earlier

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Yes. so left side of my head hurts. Then when it stop hurting, it still hurts when i bend down or cought. It feels like there is something in my head???? is it normal or do i have some kind of bad disease??????




  1. You most likely have a head cold (because of coughing and etc.) try taking some Ibuprofen (aka Advil) but if the problem persists for too long see a doctor!

  2. Talk to a doctor.  You could have sinus, muscle tension, migraine, cluster, or some other type of reoccurring headache.  They can give you appropriate medication, if the over the counter varieties haven't helped you.  

    Don't go to the doctor saying you think you have a tumor.  Chances are slim on that.  Explain your symptoms.  Keep a headache diary and bring that with you.  You want to tell them what helps, what makes it worse, etc.  That should help the doctor diagnose you.  The link below is a migraine diary, just adapt it to your situation.

    Now, call and make that doctor's appointment.

  3. tumors typically do not present in this manner.  It sounds vascular, perhaps cluster or tension headaches.  by all means, ask your doctor, but try tylenol or motrin.

  4. I had simular pains and still do from time to time. I had an MRI and found nothing. Don't panic but have a Dr. check you out!

  5. If you live in america your ******, but if you live in a nice country like the UK with universal healthcare, go see you GP and s/he'll investigate for free!

  6. ask a doctor

  7. go to the hospital ! cuz it could get worst

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