
My legs!!!! aaahhhhhh heelp mee!!!!?

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aahhhhhhhh i have had these awful growing pains 25\7! my whole leg is just getting longer and longer and longer and they are just really long and skinny and it HURTS like a b*tch!!!

because the muscle is being stretched out wayyy too much.

how can i get curvier legs and stop these growing pains?

it sucks!




  1. to help not feel the growing pains which i get alot to, just put some bengay cream on the area thats hurting and it will feel better, and i dont think you have control over you wanting your legs to be curvier

  2. its healthy to exercise every day..but dont worry too much

    hope i helped you :)

  3. put on a little more weight, the fat that was in your legs now has to cover more are so it is thinner, maybe do more leg oriented excersise, running, biking, leg weights in the gym

  4. I get those sometimes. Just like one answer said just take an advil or ibprofen and ice it.

    Also this might not seem like a good thing right now but your going to be tall (:

  5. 25/7?

  6. Ah, I know what you mean. I hate them so much >.<

    But I found a cure my dear! :D

    Get Amol or other warming cream, Vicvaporoub, you know those stinky minty ones that mate you warm. Put them on your legs and jump under the cover for few minutes. I promisse they will go away very fast... :)

  7. take motrin or advil.  and you mean 24/7

  8. go into the washer then drier. hahaha lolz ur gonna shrink your legs! srry i just had to say that


    Before doing any kind of exercising and even when you get up in the morning and go to bed, stretch. Some simple exercises that take less than 5 minutes.

    Put a heat pack on your muscles where its sore. The heat will help ease the pain.

    Find the central point of the cramp. Press this spot with your thumb, the heel of your hand, or a loosely clenched fist. Hold the pressure for 10 seconds, ease off for about 10 seconds, then press again. You should feel some discomfort but not excruciating pain. After several repetitions, the pain should start to go.

    Mix 1 part oil of wintergreen in a bowl with 4 parts vegetable oil and massage the cramp slowly.

    Cramps are often caused by dehydration, so if you get cramp frequently, drink more water. Try drinking less water before and during a workout. In some cases, drinking a lot of water prior to working out may actually cause more cramps. But do drink plenty of water throughout the day, just not right before exercising.

    There could be an underlying problem, so if these cramps continue, see a doctor.

    Remember - Take It Easy!

  10. take some pain killers

    i kno when my legs hurt like that i take motrin an jus curl up in bed for a while then u'll like forget about them an they might go away

  11. Yeah I get those a lot. I usually just take a Motrin (or pain reliever) and ice my leg. Get someone to help you stretch the muscles in your leg. They suck, but you'll probably keep getting them on and off. Good luck.

  12. Growing pains are horrid, havent had them for years thank goodness. I am not sure there is much that you can do about them but a doctor is the best person to ask. You should love yourself no matter what you look like....some people would love to have long legs : )

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