
My legs are real hairy and i shaved before, and everytime i shave they just get more hairy, why?

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I've had hairy legs since the 6th grade im a junior in high school now. my friends usually pick on how hairy my legs are and it bothers me a bit. i hate how hairy my legs are and i shaved a few times but everytime i shave my hair just grows out thicker, why? I have hair on almost every part of my body. is there anything out there that will take it away or at least make it shorter and less thick?? please help..




  1. you can always get waxed but i heard it hurt really badly ....

    but that's just how it goes

    you shave it grows back you shave again lol

  2. sometimes i shave ever 3 days,or use veet or nair, this one is painful but you can wax it off.

  3. Why ? because we are mammals, and mammals heve hair, some more, some less. you cant stop genetics.

  4. The hair on your legs don't grow back thicker its just when u shave it leaves the little stumps,try hair removal cream it dissolves the hair which doesn't look as thick,also it wouldn't grow back as quick.You can't make them shorter just make the smoothness last long.

    Hope I helped!

  5. your hair doesnt grown back thicker, it just seems that way when its short because it doesnt grow back thicker, thats a myth

  6. Just shave everyday. My lags do that when i don't shave for a few days, and it is completely normal. Some people's hair just grows faster than others. It takes my hair (on my head lol) a long time to grow, so the hair on my legs grows slow.  

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