
My legs hurt a lot... is it shin splints?

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I just started in track and i've been doing long distance. I've been running a lot but recently my shins have been hurting... a LOT. To the point where I can't run anymore. Is it shin splints?

And how can I heal my legs back so I can run again.





  1. Make sure you warm up/ stretch well before every workout. Afterwards, warm down, stretch throughly, and when u get home, ice each shin for about 12 minutes(this is the suggested amount when icing injuries). Try this for about two weeks and if they're not any better, consult a physical therapist.

    Hope this helped, good luck! :-D

  2. ice them every day after you get home

    its alright because you just started and itll go away after the first or second week of track

    make sure your stretching real good

  3. to stretches your shins: put your foot on an angle on a pole thats standing up( like a fence pole), then make sure your toes are on the pole and your heel is on the ground, push knee forward and you should feel pressure on your shins a bit, that stretches your shins.  like the other ppl said its important to ice them after practice for about 20 minutes or even taking an ice bath with your legs in it is also good.  at home use icy hot, bengay, etc to help it

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