
My legs hurt internally after parkour, any tips?

by  |  earlier

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Whenever I practice parkout, I practice a good 3-7 hours a day. Nothing hurts that day. Then, The next morning, I can't walk. If someone could tell me how to avoid these internall pains or how to treat them, It would help me. I land alright but my legs hurt when I stretch my muscles in my legs. Remember, It's parkour, not free running, two different things




  1. don't practice so much in one day, build yourself up to this amount of time so your body acclimates. but if you really want to continue this the easy answer is ICE...20 minutes on, 20 mins. off

  2. Big fan of both. Doesn't matter. Same basic ideas and stress on your legs. The problem could be lactic acid. You might want to stretch after you pk and do not take any hot baths right after. When yo do shower or bath lightly punch up and down your legs and then push down on your muscles to wipe it out.

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