
My lemonade stand turned into dump ?

by  |  earlier

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i made a lemonade stand and i only got 10 dollars! i stayed outside for 6 hours and i was at the park. what can i do to make more people come i also put up signs




  1. this is the beer wine & spriits channel, its probably best to ask this in the non-alcohoholic channel or the buisness channels

    best way to increase sales of lemonade, sell mike's hard (just drank one) or do it on a hot day outside a construction sight.

  2. advertise more online and force them to come to you be assertive

  3. Half bong water/half lemonade and sell it in an alley way. That'll make you some good dough

  4. Go out and speak to people. Offer them small cups of your lemonade to try. If it tastes god they are sure to come back and maybe even tell their friends. Also, if it is homemade make a big deal of it, if it is a hot day make a big deal of the fact that it will be cool and refreshing. You need to find a unique selling point and reason why someone should buy from your lemonade stand as opposed to going to a shop and buying a sprite. Tell them its cheaper, tell them it tastes better, tell them they will supporting local business. These are the things that will make them want to come back to your stall. Talk to them, have a chat, if they believe you are their friend they will come back because people enjoy one on one service. Especially if you can remember their name. Don't just stay at the stand walk around the park and sell their. Make the lemonade real cold so it is refreshing. Approach teenagers, they would rather they bought a drink off of you to save them going to a shop to have to buy one. Give out flyers. Do offers like 3 for the price of 2 if it is viable to do so. Just do whatever you can to entice the customer. Have special days like sunday when people can get one half price drink. Then you get to serve the picnic crowd. Serve them with special straws so people look at them and think they are interesting and want to try them. Present the lemonade well. If you put a strwaberry on the corner of the cup and a paper umbrella people will want to purchase YOUR lemonade because you don't get that with a can. Put out some chairs, so if people are tired out they can come sit down and get a drink. If you see a team game going on, approach them and offer them all a lemonade at a lower price if they buy 10. Anything that will make your lemonade more appealing than going to buy a can from a store. You do not have to do all of these things but I hope my ramblings give you some things to work on. Its all about attracting the customer. The rest is easy.


  5. Add vodka to the lemonade.

  6. Some things you may want to try for increased sales:

    Learn and do market research,ask yourself if you chose the BEST location, make sure you set the right price, offer the customer a choice(raspberry lemonade, blackberry lemonade, strawberry lemonade - flavors), is your space attractive and colorful, look into possible different ways of advertising,provide exceptional customer service,

    be professional,be accomodating,pay attention to quality, and keep track of your sales and experiment.

    Other helpful sites:

  7. start by walking up to people or hand them out like hotcakes on a  sunday

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