
My leopard gecko doesn't like heat?

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I got my baby Leo three days ago and he always spends his time on the cool side of his tank. I've seen very few times where he's on the much warmer side. I think only once has he slept on the warm side. Is this normal at all? He also doesn't even go in his hides and just sleeps in the corner of his tank on the cold side. For about an hour now he's been trying to climb up the walls of his tank aswell (he must think he's another type of gecko or something!). Is there anything wrong or does he just want to come out? He's very very friendly and already loves me (he doesn't like other people though). When I pick him up his belly is cold because he never spends time on his hot side. What do I do? I'm really worried he'll get too cold or is this normal? Please help out guys, I hope he's okay >_<




  1. give him a while to settle if he is still like that after a week take him to the vet

  2. Reptiles thermoregulate their temperature as needed. Just make sure the proper heat is provided at all times and he will use it as necessary. Don&#039;t think to judge how hot or cold he is by how his belly feels. You&#039;ll be wrong each time just trust nature to take it&#039;s course and your gecko will be fine.

    He&#039;s climbing the walls because he&#039;s scared. Give him time to relax and settle in.

  3. he&#039;s probably just shy. you say you have had him three days. He is just settling in and over time will realise that he has somewhere to hide. as long as he doesn&#039;t spend all the time sleeping on the cold side he shopuld be ok as the temp of the viv will keep his body tempature up

  4. What type of substrate do you have?  He may not like it.  Try ceramic tiles over the heat pad side.  Ours (3) LOVE their tiles - they are so cheap to buy at a home building store, and they clean up so easily!

    Also, if you don&#039; t have an undertank heater, and just a light above, he may want both.

    Our females &quot;dance&quot; on their walls, too.  One has escaped twice (we found her -once for 5 weeks once for 3 weeks) so now she tries all the time.  Even though she had no heat those weeks, she was fine, just a bit thirsty.

    It may be plenty warm on the cold end for yours.  When we got our first one, she just stayed in the cork log all the time - away from the heat.  Once we got her some companions, she started laying on the heat.  Also, our gravid females love the tile and heat.

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