
My leopard gecko hasnt grown for the past month. ?

by  |  earlier

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he is young only about 3 months maybe 4 and he's about 4 inches he's been this lenght the entire time ive had him.




  1. I use a calcium powder on the crickets that i feed my leopard geckos. I have one gecko that actually has a bone deficiency problem. His hands, legs and tail are crooked. He functions fine but his bones kinda stopped growing at a young age.  

  2. i had a baby leopard gecko also and he wasn't ngrowing very  much eather what I did was shake the crickets in calcium and when he was about 5-6 months old he started to grow rapidly if you wait and give it calcium it should grow to unless it turns old to be a small gecko depends on the type.

  3. There could be so many factors.  It helps when you tell us how you're keeping him, and how often & what you're feeding him.

    Are you gut loading his crickets; Phoenix, Silk, or Meal worms before feeding them to him?  Is he eating well?

    Is the temperature correct for him?  Are you providing a basking area, a warm and cool side in the tank?  

    Does he have a moisture hide?

    Has he shed since you got him?

    What substrate are you keeping him on?  Hopefully not sand, or something loose.

    Without knowing what kind of care he's been getting, it's just impossible to guess at the problem.

    I'll post some links below you can peek out, to be sure you are offering everything he needs, but please note my disclaimer.

    You can email me at if you'd like.

    I hope he starts growing soon, and sorry I couldn't be of more help.

  4. they don't grow very fast.  maybe he is a tiny gecko and won't get any bigger, my friend had one and it was only 3 inches for its whole life until it died.

    good  luck

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