
My leopard gecko won't p**p! Is something wrong?

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I recently resuced a leopard gecko. He is a juvinile gecko and when I got him he ate two crickets the night of. He seems active and happy other than being a little underweight. However after eating two crikets I would assume he would have waste in his cage the next morning, but he didn't.

I have never had a gecko before but I researched a lot before getting him. I think I'm doing everything right.

-Shredded newspaper bedding

-120v heat lamp that produces no light

-fresh water daily

-calcium and multivitamin powder free choice plus dusted on his food.

What is going on?

P.s. He is going on 24 hrs of not producing waste





  1. I think 24 hours is not nearly long enough to worry.  Consider that since he is underweight, his body is probably utilizing more of what he is eating - less goes to waste.  Wait a few more days, and if he still has not had a bowel movement, you can put him in a shallow pool of warm water.  With most reptiles (and other animals for that mater) it will stimulate them to eliminate.  Good luck!

  2. Ok what you need to do is scare the **** out of him....


  3. no no one time same thing happened to me next day it just lay there...... i think he was sleeping.... would a dead gecko sleep????

  4. Woah - shredded newspaper???  That is a horrible substrate!  Just use folded up newspaper - or paper towels are even better.

    I have three leos and they don't p**p daily.  They always go in the same area of the habitat, which is nice.  I put down extra folded paper towels in their favored corner.

    If yours is on shredded newspaper, it probably doesn't *want* to go on that.  Ceramic tiles over the under-tank heater work well also.

    You don't have an *undertank* heater.  You really need one.  Also, they don't need a basking heat light.  Yours is probably way, way too hot.

    Does he have plenty of hides? being moist?

    Don't give him "wild" bugs - just crickets, wax worms, meal worms, and superworms.

  5. is he eating

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