
My license just got suspended for unpaid sitations!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to DMV Court. I NEED my license back b/c next month my mom has hip surgery and then rehab. I'm an only child and I'm the only person able to take care of her. My Question is, will the DMV (in West Virginia) take any of this into consideration or am I just screwed?




  1. According to the West Virginia driver's manual the laws there seem to be similar to NY.

    Your license was suspended for non-payment of citations ... now that you have paid the citations you need to go to the DMV office.  You will probably have to pay a fee for unsuspending your license.

    That should be the final step in getting your license back.  For more information go to your local DMV office

  2. Why not just pay the citations? Your license was suspended for not paying them, so clear up your unpaid fines and your license will be reinstated.

  3. If you just pay the tickets, your citations will be paid, and you license with become reinstated/unsuspended. How many tickets is it, and will you be able to talk your way out of it. If you want to get out of them in the future, you should just got to traffic court and argue them at that time, not after your license is suspeneded.

  4. Pay your citations and the fine to get the license back.  

  5. If you pay the citations and ask the court for a provisional license, you may be able to get one

  6. If you don't pay your C-I-T-A-T-I-O-N-S first then you won't get your license back.  Pay the tickets and then go to DMV to pay the fine to get your license reinstated.  It won't matter what you have going on or why you need your license.  In every state driving is a privilege NOT a right, if you mess up they ensure you pay the consequences.  DMV's can be VERY strict..............................take care of your tickets.

  7. unless you pay the citations you are screwed. unfortunately they dont care about your pesonal situation. they want you to pay them.

    i drove on a suspended license for almost a year to and from work to pay off the $2500 i owed the dmv. how the h**l am i supposed to pay them if i cant drive to work?

    when i finally went and made my final $800 payment they reinstated my license and gave me a new one right there so i dont know what to tell you.

    i wasnt trying to be rude by the way

  8. Shoulda paid da parking tickets!!!

  9. Oh well! Guess you shouldn't have gotten the citations (with a "c" not an "s") in the first place and/or you should've have thought about your mom BEFORE you chose to not pay them. They just don't go away, do they? Better call a cab.

  10. for the license reinstatement it will probably take a while no way by next week for youre moms surgery youll have to car pool or get a cab .sorry the feds are slow like that

  11. you would need to apply for a provisional license. This would allow you to drive you mom around and go to work. It can not be used unless you are doing these things. I have no idea how they  could tell what you are doing unless it is at 2 in the morning and it is good for at least 6mos.  

  12. You will most likely have to pay the citations in full before they reinstate your driver's license. But, explain the situation and you may be able to get on a payment plan if you don't have all the money up front.  

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