
My life is at stake!?

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My mom WILL not homeschool me, so I want to go to school. Im supposed to be in 8th grade and the last grade she taught me was 5th. I've been printing it out and doing it myself on the internet. I tried to give her good reasons

-More extracurricular activities

-More friends

-Better learn to deal with different people

-Be more organized

-Get up early

-Be used to a schedule, so I'm better prepared for a job/college

-You won't be there when I'm older, so why not try more independance now

-I hate homeschooling

What can I do? My whole life (What jobs I could get, etc) Are at stake! Help me!!




  1. wow! what are her reasons for not letting you go to school? and WHY has she only taught you up to 5th grade? thats awful for you! you seem like a bright girl, only 8th grade and thinking about college and deserve the opportunity to go to school and learn to be social and have the experience of school in general. Maybe you should call the school you would go to and talk to a school counselor and explain that you desparatley want to attend school but your mom wont let you and shes not doing her job as a home educator. its harsh but at your age, you deserve the education that goes with your age, not what "mom feels like giving you" chances are, there is something they can do to have your mom see reason. in some states its mandatory for kids to attend school and if youre not getting the education that you want, you reach out and get it! and good luck in the future, with college and whatnot.

  2. it is illegal not to attend or be taught at home. if she is not doing her part of homeschooling you can report her to your school agency on line. as to her reasons for not sending to public school. i would not tend to public schools i tend to private schools. girls are pregnant before 8th grade, std's, drugs, etc, etc,,, schools are not schools anymore they are a zone for idiot breeding. YES  school is important in the sense of learning and be prepared for college and obtaining a career of choice. but maybe look at your best options. i am a teacher..oddly. i love my students, but i teach an age that the innocence is still there.

    hopefully you live in an area that the schools are schools and not a std zone, like one near me. signing off... concerned 25 year old

  3. i'm confused... you mom WONT homeschool you and you want to go to school.  you know going to public school is pretty much free right? you already have cloths and school supplies, but you might have to get a little more, and you can choose on wither or not you buy your lunch from school. and they provide transportation.

    ok i get your question now.  report her and tell the people you're doing the teaching and tell her the reasons i just told you.

  4. What the heck are you talking about? Your homeschooled and your complaining about it?!

    Your lucky so shut up a lot of people including myself wish we were in your shoes. The public school system is a disaster.

  5. try and find another adult and talk to them about this .

  6. Yea you should definately get someone to talk to her. You need those skills for the rest of your life. And you sound like you've taken a lot of time to think about this. Maybe tell her that you feel that even though she has been teaching you, you still feel you lack the skills needed in school and jobs.

  7. Go to a family member with a strong influence. Or someone you look up to. Perhaps someone from a church if you are religious.

  8. aww im sorry

    well i dont really have any experience

    but try to talk to an adult she trusts, like maybe her parents, friends, or partner.

    if you get them to try to convince her, she might pay more attention to their word.

    good luck!

  9. You have to be schooled somehow. I'm pretty sure its a law. If your mom won't homeschool you, you have to go to public or private school.

  10. The first thing to do is try to talk to another family member about it. If that fails to work you might try contacting the Board of Education in your state. I just did a search on google to see and I got links to several state boards of education.

  11. try and sit down with ur mom and hv a heart 2 heart talk .tell her its ur life and that its not that i dont want u 2 interfere just ask her politely y she wont let u go 2 school ask her 2 tell d truth tell her if she is scared that u'll be spoiled assure her dat u wont and tell her that u need exposure dont lose ur calm when doing this do it as patiently as u can and gently try 2 getr her 2 onfess her fears it might be even ur mistake ask her if u hv done sumthin rong and correct urself give her reassurance that u will do well in school
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