
My life is boring.?

by Guest56926  |  earlier

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My life is so boring. Everyday i do the same things again and again. I live in a community where the parks are boring and sparse. I have beatten almost every single video game I study, And all that stuff. What should i do to make it a bit intresting. My age is 13




  1. your telling me..

    as i look through my diary, another page..same shiit another day.

  2. Get some more video games. Get an online game. Go find somebody and talk to them. Plenty of options.

  3. You're haven't even started your life yet. It'll get better. And funner.

  4. Volunteer

  5. go to the hobby store and find something you'd like to learn, ie painting, knitting, baking, basket weaving etc.

  6. Get a good book, some literature, maybe some biographies.  Think about a country that you'd like to visit and see if there are any books written by an author from that country.  you get to learn about the culture and travel without leaving the country.  hey maybe you'll visit one day.  

    volunteer to help someone whenever you serve other people, you realize just how valuable life is and begin to appreciate your life and live it with new vigor.  hope that helps.  just keep living, its a season and the boredom will pass, trust me.  It all passes.

  7. challenge yourself to learn new things...volunteer. check out new books...dont just play video games, they are fun but even in the challenge your self, maybe get into computers and design a game.

  8. It's not a bad idea to get a job. You will thank yourself later, knowing that you have something to put on a resume, money to actually buy whatever you want, and interacting with fresh faces. Volunteer at your local hospital or animal shelter. I wish I had done that when I was your age, I really regret not spending time to do it. It really is rewarding, not to mention it looks great on a resume. And when it's time to write one, that stuff looks great.

  9. You're a bit young to be saying life is boring, your whole life is ahead of you.  Get involved in school activities, play organized sports, find volunteering activities, life is only as boring as you allow it to be.


  10. Try getting in touch with the Spiritual side of life, you know drawing closer to the Lord Jesus. If you are curious and like excitement, which it sounds as if you are, I'm sure the end times of mankind would interest you. Go to and learn about the things that will happen very soon to this world we live in and the people who live in it. It's an awesome book that gets very detailed about the end time events and explains the book of Revelation in much detail.

    You will also be able to download the books for about $5.00, I think, so you can read them at your leisure.

  11. you think your life is boring ! just wait until your in your 40's

    try mine !  the closest park where i live is 13 miles away !

    there is nothing here but cactus, rocks, & a whole bunch of blood sucking bugs !!!

  12. workout and challenege your body to become huge for the ladies

  13. Now's the perfect time to become good @ Profession! Play games online that never gets old! & go to a concert in the summer! & excersize!

  14. fall in love

  15. At 13 you should be on top of the world. Life is what you make it. Get out, have fun go for a bike ride. Help an older person around the yard. You cannot beat the feeling of self satisfaction. Help someone. Play with a younger kid on the block. Teach him something. Play ball. Just do it.

  16. Learn something new. Pick up a hobby like playing the guitar or painting or something. Maybe learn a new sport.

  17. Hmmm, you should be in school not counting the hours away .... get involved in school activities and after school events ....

  18. same here. my town is nothing but banks and churches.

    ride your bike other places or take the train to the city or take up a hobby like photography

  19. this is life same S**t different day!!

  20. since your around the same age and some of my friends ill tell you what i would tell them PARTY LIKE THE ROCK STAR YOU TRUELY ARE AT HEART!!!! xD  not really that helpful but i would barg into there house and annoy them at some un goddly hour of the night only to have there parents get mad at me for climbing in threw the window when they gave me a house key xD

    any (i tend to get side tracked) way you could take up an insterment or something like that? how about a part time job? try to learn ninja skills (ohh the fun memories)? or become pen pals (with email) with some random 15 year old who has nothing better to do durring bio class that to awnser this question?

    hope i helped

  21. read books, try excerizing on ur free go for a jog.

    hmm..look up some stuff u can do in

  22. go out with friends or hit me up
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