
My life is falling apart. help?

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so im going to this new school with NO ONE i know. no one.

i think my new "friends" are gonna drop me because i dont smoke or drink, so they dont like me anymore.

my dad works at the school and hes like breathing down my neck all the time.

my boyfriend is probably gonna break up with me after like 7 months.

and im like about ready to kill myself here.


or run away.

i have plenty of places to go.

but i dont know what to do.

its more complicated than what i just wrote. but yeah.

HELP ME. i dont wanna feel like this anymore because its getting to such a bad point to where i dont even takl to people anymore.




  1. Okayyy,

    I've been in your position before.

    First off, the shouldn't drop you just because you don't smoke or drink.

    Your dad's being a dad. He'll be doing that for awhile.

    Talk through it with your boyfriend. I'm sure you can work things out.

    Definitely don't kill yourself.

    Or runaway.

    I'm pretty sure getting arrested won't be much better.

    Everything will work out.

    Just really take the time to think about it.

  2. Judging is SO much "fun."

    Please do give a call to the kind counselors at 1-800-525-LOVE 24-7.  They are able to help.

    For more resources, 1-800-232-6459 business hours, M-F, ask for Counseling dept.

    You are very wise to be seeking ways and means of dealing with new school, parent at same place, bf drift apart, maintaining your purity and health re smoking, etc., and heaven knows what else.

    "Emotions," Marilyn C. Barrick, Ph.D., is good, but worthwhile to talk with real counselors over the phone.

  3. Go see a counselor. This is way more serous than you think. Your friends are pure idiots if they are going to leave you because you don't smoke or drink. And your boyfriend wouldn't dump you for no reason. Change schools and start again is your best option.

  4. im not gonna tell you what to do cause you sound like a teenager and we ultimately do what we wanna do anyways.what i am gonna say is whatever you do dont run away or give in to peer pressure and definety dont kill yourself. You really need to talk to someone in person not just on the computer. it gets really hard sometimes and i have some days were i just want to explode but the next day is a new day.  i dont wanna sound old but youre just going through a bad time and itll make you stronger when you get through it. But its really not a good idea to keep stuff inside so get it out to someone. Maybe try going to church. i hope i helped.

  5. You have to fall apart ... in order to put yourself back together again.

  6. Apparently, you're depressed. Try meeting people on chat boards when your bored. Don't get to attached to people though. I moved, and going to a new school too, my BF broke up with me cuz I moved. Don't worry, one day at that school you'll fit in, or right from the get-go! If you ever need anyone to talk to, im here if you want. :D Don't kill yourself, its not worth it! Live life to the fullest! You'll find someone right eventually!

  7. Ok first of all killing yourself or running away will only make everything much worse.  So forget that.

    It is difficult to feel so isolated.  Believe me I know I am feeling that way right now and I am a middle age mom of two with a nice husband and family.

    All I can tell you is that everyone feels this way at some point in their lives and even tho it seems that everyone is so much happier/connected than you are... you just never know how much misery actually lies beneath the exterior.

    Trust me.. it is probably something that will run it's course and will be over soon.

    Find something that will occupy your time and make everyone wonder what you are up to even if it is just taking a walk with your ipod or going to a matinee.  I know it sounds stupid but just "get lost" in something for awhile.  

    Divert your attention away from yourself.  

    Then make it a habit.  If you don't have an ipod get one.  Music is great.  

    Good luck Sweetie.

  8. maybe you should turn to ur family if you need help or talk to ur friends dont be with someone u dont like sorry if u dont like my awnsers

  9. I know how you feel, i just moved into the district last year, i was an outcast because i came from a private school and all the kids thought i was a goody to-shoes, the only people that talked to me were teachers and staff. finally i just sat down at a table and the kids grew on me, but it sounds like you don't have that time. so if i were you i would seek out kids that you are most like and just quickly inject yourself, with your dad i would suggest that you talk to him and let him know how you feel, and with your boyfriend, confront him he might not be honest but it lets him know what your thinking. Don't run, it never turns out right, give life a chance, the big man upstairs knows what hes doing.

  10. Ok, first of all take a deep breathe and try to relax.  

    You have a few different situations, but I promise you if you think them through logically then everything will work out!

    The new school will definitely be a challenge.  Just be yourself, and I am sure you will make friends in no time, no worries!   If your new friends dump you because you do not smoke or drink, then they aren't REAL friends anyway find new ones!  

    Parents are suppose to protect you.  I know it's hard for you to understand this at your age, but once you are a parent it will all make sense.  Let your dad know how you feel though.

    Don't kill yourself over a boyfriend.  Think logically here.  You are still in school.  Trust me you will have your heart broken a couple of times, and you will probably break hearts.  The majority of high school relationships don't' work out.  You can't settle for one person either, you have to explore what is out there.  

    My advice is to take some time to yourself and think!  Try to be positive!

  11. You are normal.

    Life is full of changes, and change can be hard to deal with.

    Be strong! Get to know yourself, who you really are and what you want from life. ITS WORTH LIVING!

    Most teens who start smoking and drinking (or using other drugs)  do it to "fit in" with a group of peers. Girls start having s*x before they're ready because their boyfriends pressure them. Its all about peer pressure, and its a major issue for the insecure.

    A friend who drops you because you don't do everything they do isn't really a friend. (You knew that!)

    Boyfriends come and go. They aren't quite as important as they seem. Pay attention to your "spider sense" and don't hang on to a guy who isn't good for you.

    There are a zillion adults who went through something similar to what you are now experiencing, and they all wish they could go back and re-do their highschool years "knowing what I know now". Too bad it doesn't work that way.

    There are a few people who enjoy their teen years so much that they never get past it. Example: Napoleon Dynamite's Uncle Rico. Thankfully, they are in the minority.

    You will find friends all around you. Start by getting to know one person you have something in common with. Be open and honest, and always be yourself. Good things are just around the corner!

    Find a kindred adult you can talk to. An aunt, grandmother, next door neighbor, old friend's mom... Wisdom comes from experience.

    If you really feel suicidal, you should talk to a psychologist or counselor. Depression is common, but antidepressant drugs can be dangerous for teens and young adults. Talk therapy takes time, but it works really well if you get a good match. Massage therapy is great for stress relief, too. There are places like Massage Envy that are reasonably priced.

    There is a book called 33 Things Every Girl Should Know: Stories, Songs, Poems, and Smart Talk by 33 Extraordinary Women. Author Tonya Bolden. My daughter really enjoyed it.

  12. You say that you dont talk to people anymore, and YOU SHOULD talk to people. That helps A LOT! And as for going to a school where you dont know anybody, believe me, you will make new friends SO QUICKLY!

    dont worry(: and as for your boyfriend, if he breaks up with you then dont be all depressed about it, cry it out, then go have fun!

    your "friends" that are going to drop you anre seriously stupid. You made the smart choice not to drink or smoke, and they will pay for their actions, you wont have to.

    So have fun! And good luck! Hope this helped



    SCHOOL PROBLEM:The best option here is if you don't like your current school, try to find a better school and transfer there.

    FRIEND PROBLEM: If they don't like you because you dont smoke, then they are not really your friends. Sounds like they're all bitchy and S****y, so my prediction here is that they'll all end up being prostitutes or somehting. You wanna take the same path? I don't think so! Try to find new friends. Join a club or a society or something. Find something worthwhile to do.

    BOYFRIEND PROBLEM: Try to talk things out with your boyfriend. If things aren't working out, then maybe you two aren't meant for each other. If you break up, so what? There are millions of other fishes in the sea. It's gonna be hard at first, but you'll get over him. It's not like he's the only guy in the world who could fall in love with you. You'll have other boyfriends..

  14. why don't you gust became emo and cut yourself and say i hate my life so your dad work in the school so what if you don't smoke or drink  those kid that do end up in the street and if your boyfriend break up with you nothing happen it is he loose not yours and there are a millions boy that wold love to date you it is not that bad the day you don't have food,can't go to school,your mom or dad hit you, you do drugs and drink that is bad  

  15. I would call a hotline to talk to someone.  They really genuinely care and are there to listen.  It makes you feel a lot better.

  16. just stay cool and dont kill yourself ur going through a bad time just work through it and it will all b better

  17. have many attributes working for you...don't tell him, but use dad for your benefits...dump your bf, get organize and socialize more...get involve with helping school activities that won't put extra pressure on you...good luck...

  18. blow up an inflatable penquin and kick it's ***!  Beating the **** out of iflatable penquins is a serious stress buster believe you me!

  19. ok well if your new friends dont like u you can tell them to p**s off.

    you should say why do i have to drink or smoke to be your friend..

    and if your going to a new school you can have a new chance

    and its not that bad accully i had to go to a new school (for gr 9) and i knew no one was very weird for the first 2 weeks but after that you meet ppl in your classes *cus u sit bside them or sumthin*  you can make new friends @ ur new school  ;)

  20. It sounds like you are under some stress

    I wouldnt worry about it. Just be natural at your new school, and you will find new friends im sure. If your friends only like you if you drink or smoke, they arent really friends. I would try to find people who appreciate you for who you really are.

    Lifes a marathon not a sprint. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. Theres some bumps along the way, but dont let it prevent you from doing what you want to do in life.

  21. aww.

    first of all.

    your new "friends" sound like bad influences. last thing yu wanna do when yu go to a new school is fall in with the wrong crowd. because then yu can get a bad rep. you should join a team or club or anything to get yourself involved. show your a leader not a follower. trust me you will find some good friends in school clubs and stuff. yea it might sound nerdy but its better than being known as a "waste" as they call them at my school. hope i helped. good luck. and about your boyfriend if you dont see him as someone who will commit to you or just wants to use yu, then yu need to decide if hes worth your time.  

  22. **** other people live like you wanna live dont let them influense u in to stuff you cant get out of

  23. Calm down! I know this all seems crazy right now.  High School is hard emotionally, but what happens ther really does not have alot of bearing in where your life will go.  I am 25 and barely remember most of high school; my friends and activities are just memories.  Be yourself and try to grow.  In ten years you will hopefully laugh at high school, I do!  I know it sounds hard but grit your teeth or just smile and believe in yourself!    

  24. give it time stop panicking you are young and if they don't like you live them alon and get new people that are like you girl ther is always a new day i tell you i star 3differentt high schools and i had to make new friends and boyfriends ...

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