
My life stinks help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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iam 12 and im extremely stressed with the world and life! i need some advice, i like this boy who is shy to ask me out , im sad because of my mothers death :(, and im really stressed of my school.. i worry about everything help please!




  1. well i would be sad if my mother died to and if you don't wanna talk on her email me at and maybe i will give you my number i am SO sorry well if any one reads this i am always open i know what to do i have 3 kids there have problems please email me any time SO i know how you feel you all please email me love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. ask him out yourself, talk to anyone in your family, counseling, a shrink, and talk to your teachers

  3. Ask him out and go to your school chaplain and talk to them.  

  4. Life is the greatest thing on this earth. You're only 12, and the world will seem unfair at times. That's just a part of growing up. Everybody, and I mean everybody, will have stress of some sort in their lives more times than any of us would like to admit. That's just a part of living. Try to learn to deal with the stresses of life now, and many of them will seem more trivial later in life.As you are only 12, you don't really need a boy to ask you out yet. Wait a couple of have plenty of time.  I truly am sad to hear abut your mother. I lost mine at a young age's tough, but it's not the end of the world.  Hang in there.

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