
My life sucks, please help me!!!?

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I'm an 11 year old girl in Middle School, and my life sucks! Here's why;

1:I have no money

2. I have no friends

3. I have a boring life, I don't go anywhere.

4. I have no b***s

5. I want a boyfriend!

Please please please tell me how to fix myself!!!




  1. u can get money from ur parents, go outside and meet ppl

  2. Let me help you:

    1. Get a job. Even though you are too young to work anywhere, you can help people out. Babysit, mow lawns, dog walk,  do chores, clean. Personally, I think babysitting or walking dogs is the most fun. And then just put up signs, or let people know that you're in business(parents, friends, friends' parents, parent's friends)\

    2. Join a club, or  Participate in a sport. Seventeen always has great tips for how to make friends and things like that, btw!

    3. Then change that! If you have a boring life, then change it up! Do something you normally wouldn't, join a club doing something you like. You'll make friends with similar interests, and be doing something fun!

    4. It's normal not to have b***s. You're 11. I didn't get b***s until i was in grade 7. In time, don't worry.

    5.C'mon, you're 11! You don't need a boyfriend when you're 11!

    You're still young, so you shouldn't have to stress like this!

  3. This stuff will happen with TIME!  I didn't have friends or do any of those things until I got into high school!

    Don't wish your life away, I did and I regret it. When you get old, you'll wish you were a little kid again.

    You are still young, you have PLENTY of time.  Take it easy and go with the flow! <(^_^)>

  4. Aww.. sweety! First off, turn off your television and stop looking a fake people. They are not really all that good looking anyway!

    Second, you have your whole life to make money. Find a hobby or something that really interest you (like sports, drawing, writing) and be the best at it.  If you're bored, use your imagination. When I was eleven, we lived out in the country and I had to be creative.

    Don't worry about b***s. They will grow in due time. Boys will come and go. Just get a good education and become wealthy so that you can give back to others and live a life filled with peace. Good Luck!

  5. Are you serious!!!  But I have instant relief for you sista.  You're alive! You have all your fingers, toes, arms, legs, and are hella cute!

    1. No Money: you're not old enough to have a job yet!  And dont rush that  "BELIEVE ME"!

    2. No Friends: No worries, love yourself till everyone else does to (proven fact)

    3. Boring life: Go start doing something no one your age is doing, watch the attention you'll get!

    4. No b***s: If your Mom or Grandmom doesn't either you might be out of luck!  But these are the days of hips & thighs, you'll be o.k. And you're still young give'em a while to blossom!

    5. No boyfriend: (LOL) as long as you're a female they will come, dont rush it!

    See!  I told you you'd feel better!  Look @ that smile on your face, now.....Go outside and do something!

  6. First off, relax. Your life will evolve, sometimes slower, sometimes faster. If you fret about it a lot, you'll just drive yourself nuts.

    1. Find a way to earn money. Babysit ... mow lawns ... run errands for neighbors. Ask your family to direct you to their friends, see if someone wants something done for money. I used to pay a neighbor just to take my garbage cans to the curb (because I traveled a lot for work and was never home on garbage night!)

    2. Be yourself, then see what is around you. Just don't make the mistake of connecting to someone over the Internet who you don't know ... too many creeps out there!

    3. Get outside. Do something. Motivate. Move! Go for a walk, ride your bike, get off the computer, join an after school activity ...

    4. No one truly cares if you have b***s at eleven. I know, everyone says that. Don't let yourself be judged by your looks.

    5. No, you don't. You want friends.

  7. okay out of your problems I have


    1 do chores at home for an allowance

    2 at school find other people who seem nice or don't have friends either

    3 with your new friends go out, maybe to the park or something

    4 just wait okay? Can't do much about that

    5 just be patient, you probably won't find the love of your life right off...

    I hope this helped...

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