
My light bill is due?

by  |  earlier

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it is already overdue and the final notice is 109 dollars and it due aug 4th. i will not have it, but is there anyway at all that you could get them to extend it or maybe pay half or get some help paying it off. will anybody do that. Unexpected bills came in!! Please help!




  1. You should be able to pay half, but if not call the electric company and get an extention for 2 weeks or more. I think that they only do it every 4 moths though. So keep the bil paid ahead of time and it will not get behind. Keep your head up and ask family and friends for help or get a job cause Mikey D's hires everyday and so does Burger King. Keep trying hun.

    Take Care,


  2. You need to call them and negotiate something.Making partial payments should help.

    Also, if someone in your family has health issues, and you furnish a doctor's note, they will not shut your electricity off, but you do still owe the money and you have to prove medical necessity. Good luck.

  3. usually not. especially if its the final notice and you havent even attempted to pay or contact them about the issues. Most of the time, they will only accept what they are asking for on your bill. You could try some local charities and see if they can help out. other than that..if thats the final have a cheap electric bill..feel lucky.

  4. Do you have a plan on how to pay it off or do you plan on just pushing it off further and further? If you have a plan to pay it off and can legitimately do it, they may listen to you.

  5. You could try the Salvation Army, they will give you funds to pay your light  bill if you are having financial problems. Or you could call the power company and explain your problem.

  6. Get a sugar daddy

  7. I don't know what state you live in, but I saw a TV report on a woman with exactly this problem in Florida.  Through the Florida Public Service Commission she was able to arrange a payment plan with the power company.  I would check with whoever regulates utility companies in your state.

  8. pay half or whatever you can!

  9. Most of the time they will give a short extension. If not, call a local church-they may be able to help or will tell you who CAN. Every community has resources available for hard times.

  10. Call the power company and see if you can work out a payment plan.  Prior to this issue, did you have a good payment history?  If so, they may be willing to work with you.

  11. Here is what you do:  First call the light company see if there is anyway you can pay half now half later, if this is not negotiable, then see if you can borrow it from somebody like a family member, if that doesn't work, see if it is something you can sell.  Are you on foodstamps, sell those, do you have some baby clothes or furniture in good condition sell these to a second hand baby store or craigslist.  Last option is call the Salvation Army in your area, and see if you can get help paying your light bill.  They may only pay up to 100 bucks, so if you can get 9 dollars and pay it down to 100, then that might work.  I had to do that before, but it was my gas bill and it was 80 bucks, but they only let you do this once a year, at least in my state.  Then next time, make arrangements ahead of time to pay half now and half later so you won't get into an all or nothing predicament like you are in now.  Good luck!!!
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