
My light dimmer switch turns on but doesn't dim...?

by  |  earlier

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Inside the switch box are 5 wires: two black, two white and a ground. Right now I have both whites hooked to the switch and the blacks connected together with a wire nut. The light turns on but doesn't dim. I've also tried wiring one white and one black to the switch, but that shorted and tripped the breaker.

What is the proper way to wire this dimmer switch?




  1. Try wiring it with the blacks connected to the switch and if that doesn't work get a new switch with instructions?

  2. The other answers are good, but I'm here to point out the not so obvious. Do you have CFLs (compact fluorescent lights)  in your fixture? Most are not dim-able.

  3. wiring a dimmer should be exactly the same as your ordinary light switch, if not id buy another one that is, you should jus be able to wire it - wire for wire, is it a 2 way lighting circuit? (do 2 switches operate light). if you had it switching but not dimming it was probably correct sounds like your using the wrong type of light you shouldnt try dimming flourescent tubes or compact flouro (energy saving bulbs). unless you bought a switch design for it.

    the proper way to wire a dimmer is the same as wiring a normal switch, i can send u a lighting diagram circuit. you need t identify the switch wires and the mains feed to the circuit. id need a description of what is on it before i could explain how to wire it.

    if you email me i can explain how to identify wires.

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