
My lights turn onand off on there own, why?

by  |  earlier

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We have touch lights as our bedside lights and for the past 12 mths they have taken to turning on and off on their own. I have looked for climatic conditions, power surges, and even bad connections or dusty lights, but none of these make a difference.

Does anyone here feel they can explain what is going on?




  1. any movement can set those lights off,  you move on the bed or the chair or walk across the room and it can make them turn on and off.

  2. Ooooooh creepy! Just kidding, sounds like its just over sensitive!

  3. First be sure what you see- ask someone to be with you and check if he sees the same as you.

    In some cases, when there is an nfluence from a spirit or a magicien or some among so called numerous psi- therapeuts/incl. distant hypnotelepaths/ this could concern the third eye - to darken the consience informatic  connection with the external aura for manipulating the sub or to darken the sub for zombifying the consience.

  4. This is a common problem. My wife have these same kind of lamps and one of them stated doing that and what she did to stop it was have the lamp rewired. She had to put a special switch on the lamp so she could turn the lamp on and off. Before she got the lamp fixed the problem got so bad that the lamp would stay on and the only way to turn it off was to unplug it from the outlet. Some on she knew spliced into the wire and put in a little rolling switch to turn it on and off. This is a normal problem not some ghost or spirit turning your lamp on or off. Also, my parents had the same problem with their touch lamps and the did the same thing to fix it. I hope this helps. Oh and by the way, please do not believe those who try to tell you its a ghost turning the lamp on and off because as I said my and I had the same problem and we knew it was not due to a ghosts. After we put the switch on the lamp the problem stopped. These so called ghost hunters will try to tell you its a ghost causing this, but please do not believe it. I mean think about it for a second if these people have never been in your home to see it happening first hand, then how can they assume it is due to a ghost when they have not been there when it's happening. To me ghost hunters are like politicians they are just out to fool us and to take our hard earned money.

  5. Haunted...

    Actually, touch lights have a habit of doing that...they are reacting to the environment.  Get some regular lights or live with it.....

  6. I would first rule out the physical thing's that could be causing your problems I have had the same problems with my touch light's in my room but they would come on when someone turned on or off the overhead light's in our bedroom or master bathroom I am a paranormal investigator so naturally my curiosity got the better so I did some tests I found after doing a EMF reading of the room that in the location of the light's was an unusual amount of a electromagnetic field put off by a large amount of wiring in the wall I might also add that a symptom of large amount of an Electra-magnetic exposure is hallucinations seeing movement out of the corner of the eyes.This is a possible cause for your problem and being a skeptic I am sure you would rather rule out the physical causes first.I would need alot more info before I would look into the paranormal aspect of the cause I hope this helps

  7. Well, these lights work on the varying of capactance between your body and the body of the lamp- in this case, its measured in picofarrads right?  As the electronics get older, some parts like electrolytic capacators dry out- and when they do this they 'detune' becomeing more sensitive.

    its possible they've gotten so sensitive that they're just flicking on due to your movement in the room.

    Good Luck

  8. The ONLY logical explanation for this is that a ghost is touching your lamps. This is a great scientific discovery! Those touch lamps sense changes in capacitance when they are touched, which tells them to turn the light on or off. The fact that a ghost is turning your lamp on and off proves that ghosts have capacitance! This is really going to open up the field of ghost science for new, exciting research. In addition to EMF detectors, capacitance meters can now be used in ghost hunting to detect spirit activity.

    Even skeptics can't argue with the scientific method in action!

  9. ya i had that problem too, is it metal? It could be that it is very touch sensitive so the slightest touch can turn it on. i had a metal one where you touch any metal part it would turn on. even a fly could turn on the lamp. So check the sensitivity

  10. Quit blinking so much!

  11. As stated above, touch lamps have a history of this sort of performance.

  12. Well, how about you look at your own user name and start there - rationally

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