
My lip has something on it?!?

by  |  earlier

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I woke up this morning and on my top lip it looks like there was a slight raise. The raise was rough but not too noticeable so I can get away with it.

Recently I've changed my chapstick and thats it, so I'm assuming something to do with that.

I've gone back to my usual chapstick and put some on my lips hoping it'll help the dryness.

Just wondering what I can do, I looks like I've had botox and my lips are quite big to begin with.

I don't fancy seeing my boyfriend with my lips like this!




  1. Sounds like a coldsore!

    get some blistex and put it on

    should go away

    w/e you do don't touch it

    & don't kiss him

    cause there contagious

  2. sometimes I have the same problem with chapsticks too. If I use chapstick that's scented  I will break out. That's why now I just stick to the regular non scented chapstick. Yeah if I use like smackers or any other kinds of crazy chapsticks that happens. I'm guessing it just irritates my skin.

  3. Check out this website.  It has a natural remedy:

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