
My little 6 month old has a unknown rash?

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I took him to the doctor and the doctor said he is allergic to bug bites that he had, I have been giving him benadryl but it's not helping, rash looks something like hives and it gets better during the day and really red and bad at nights anyone have any clue on what it could be, I don't think they are all bug bites?!




  1. Sounds like maybe a heat rash??? Does he sweat a lot at night??? My godson used to get it when it was hot out... he'd wake up with all these tiny little bumps and benadryl did not help.

  2. Sounds like allergies or eczema. My baby is the same, daytime gets better, and she starts scratching and rubbing her face into blanket and sheets at night. See if yours does that. Cut nails short and file them so he can not scratch, also see what you eat if you are breastfeeding or what new things are around him that could have caused this rash. Sounds like allergies definitely.

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