
My little angel keeps walking around and clapping,won`t go to sleep!!

by Guest66920  |  earlier

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my little angel start walking when she was ten months now she is 18 months

she so active,happy,silly,and a bit hyper. she said her first word about 6 days ago which was the word "hot" and now she always walks around clapping her hand saying the word hot it was cute at first now it annoying. my husband and i can`t even make-out anymore without getting bothered by our angel

were not sure how she gets out of her crib but she some hows gets into our room and she always wants to sleep with us

how do i get her to sleep in her own crib again?

and how do i get her to got to sleep?




  1. baby gates. lots of them.

  2. tell her "big girls sleep in their own beds"

  3. First of all i would be concerned that at 18 months she just now said her first word.  She could have a developmental speech delay.  You may want to talk to your pediatrician about that.

    As for her getting out of bed you just need to keep putting her back into her bed.  Things will get worse before it gets better.  It may take a while but she will learn that she needs to stay put.

    Try rubbing her back or patting her back.  The children I take care of all have their own little quirks that get them to go to sleep.  Some I hold their hand, sing to them, or even run my fingers in their hair.  All of these children have been in my care since about 4 months of age and they are all 2 years old now.

  4. not an easy job its call persistance just keep putting her back in her own bed, untill she realises she's not going to win,If she has soft toys in her cot i would remove them kids use them as steps even larger pillows too.

    maybe some soft music would help with the night entertaining.

    trial and persistance is the key.

    oh and good luck....:)

  5. First all let me address nicole r-

    18 months may be on the later side but does not mean she has a speech delay. For some children that is perfectly normal.

    Now to the main question- To get her to sleep in her bed as another person suggested keep putting her back in, don't engage in conversation or give up. (Just watch an episode of SuperNanny to learn more and to see it in action).

    Also, as she is getting out of her crib on her own, you should consider a toddler or normal bed for her. It will not cause her to get out of bed more often since she is getting out of her crib on her own anyway. Climbing out of a crib can be dangerous though, especially as it is always done unsupervised and there are numerous ways she can be injured in the process.

    There are two things I think you may want to think about. One is your bedtime routine.

    It sounds like she is going to bed rather wound up and full of energy. Starting an hour before bed try keeping things as mellow as possible, so she can wind down and he energy won't be so high. Do not do things that cause her to become boisterous and giggly, or highly active in that time. Speak in quieter voices and lower the light level around the house. Make sure others in the house stick to this too. When others are up and active the atmosphere is bright who would want to go to bed and miss out on the fun? I highly recommend reading to her as the last thing you do before bedtime. Let her sit on your lap in her room with her blankie (or whatever she likes to sleep with, if anything) and read one or two stories. If she starts getting hyped up, stop reading and say "shh it is sleepy time, I can only read when you are quiet."

    That way when you do finally put her to bed, she is calmer and hopefully more prepared to sleep.

    The second thing I would think about is about the amount of time she spends napping and when. Some children can sleep for hours at nap time, and while this is very convenient for getting things done around the house, sometimes it is too much for some children. If she is sleeping 3 hours try cutting it down to 2 hours for example. Then she will be more tired at bedtime.

    Also when her nap is can make a difference. If she is napping too close to the time she is supposed to go to bed, even a short nap can interfere with bedtime. You could try putting her down for a nap an hour or two earlier than usual. That way she has more hours of being awake between napping and bedtime.

    I hope this helps, good luck!

  6. ;) That's what kids are :)

    Better allow her to sleep with you.  ANd when she's already asleep for 30 minutes or an hour, that's the time you put her gently back to her crib and be sure to put the feeding bottle for her to feel more comfortable.  


  7. Since she is 18 months old it may be time for a toddler bed. She will just keep getting out if keep trying to make her sleep in there. I would try a gate at the door way so she cant just wander around the house or bother mom and dad. I would also still keep a monitor in her room since she seem to be light sleeper. One time my son woke up before me and threw eggs threw his plastic basketball hoop while i was sleeping -not fun to clean up-...

    I think its great she is so excited about speaking. It must be the way you praised her (by clapping). You could try the same when she gets in to bed and if she stays in bed. Or maby another reward.

    I wish you luck it does get easier,it just takes time...

    Via added detail; Sounds like yo u have your hands full. I think your daughter wants to be in control. I mean she want you to spend time with her when she wants it or else. Then she wants your attention at bed time or else she will come in your room.

    Im not sure and would hate to say that maby something is wrong. Does she listen to you when you talk to her, does she seem like she is iterested in fun activities and how does she act when your doing them. Does she have a short attention span. There are so many different things it could be and then maby she is just a stubborn girl who love mommy and daddy attention and will accept nothing less.

    In that case i would not  ignore the problem instead give her bigger challenges that start of involing you or dad and then kinda let her take over. So she gets the idea that I CAN do it by myself. ( like start a puzzle together or color or pick toys up ) Try doing in in a fun way like clap when she picks a toy up and puts in away.

    I hope that helps you could always ask your doc for better tips as ive asked mine tons of questions like this and ive gotten great answers and results.

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