
My little boy was clean for the last 12months but now he cant stop pooing himself it happens 12 times a day?

by  |  earlier

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he doesnt even realise he is doing it and when he does go to the toilet he crys and gets upset. all my family have just decided he is being lazy and trying to get attention, but me and his dad dont think this is the case.

i really dont know what to do about it, i have appointment with the doctor but am worried they going to tell me theres nothing wrong, but nobody should go to the toilet that much, should they?

if anyone could help me i would be so greatfull

thank you for reading.




  1. take him to a doc

  2. sounds alarming!! before you go to drs id get a specimen container from the surgery and collect a sample the day of your appointment so it can be sent off for analysis! as you dont want to delay any diagnosis any further!

    oh i hope its not anything too serious, he must be loosing alot of weight. id say that was an A&E case if hes still young as can be very dangerous situation to get into with dehydration etc, hope you get to the bottom of it soon!! x

  3. 12 times a day i am surprised there is anything left of him ...Please talk to your doctor because a child this young should NOT be have 12 bowel movements every day its just not natural, please talk to your GP my hubby had bowel problems that were sorted in the end with the right treatment x

  4. sounds like something is going on. It is possible he has a blockage and it is going to diarrhoea to get around it. If the doctor says it is nothing then ask for a referral to a specialist as this is not normal. 12 times a day is extreme and  if he is getting upset and crying then he is not doing it for attention. Wait and see what the doctor says

  5. You really need to take your child to a doctor, it isn't normal, some children regress because they are stressed and upset by changes in their lives or routines. 12 times a day is very concerning! could he have a bowel problem. If he is crying when this happens, is this because of pain or is he distressed because of the mess. If you shout at him or tell him off it will probably make it worse! Rule out the possibility of a physical problem, but be prepared to accept that your child may be very distressed at something that is happening to him within his family.

  6. maybe hes got a bowel problem

  7. i had a sorta similar problem when i was about 8-10. It seemed that I just continually soiled myself.

    My mum tried everything, in the end she took me to the doctor and he said there was nothing physically wrong with me. He said that my mum should give me Physelium Husk on my breakfast cereal to try and make me more regular.

    I refused to eat my breakfast cereal after that, I thought Physelium Husk was the most disgusting thing I had ever tasted.

    The problem cleared up in the end and for five years I have been clean and free of soiling myself. I do reccomend going to the doctor because his problem could be much more serious than mine was.

    Good Luck.

  8. OK, 12 times is kind of...a freakin' lot.  That's kind of hard to not notice.

  9. it depends how old he is.

    i had this problem when i was a child, and was incontinent until the age of 12.

    it was a nightmre, so please get help for your child asap!

  10. Please see your G.P.  My ex-husband had this problem when he was two years old and it transpired that he had a twisted bowel.  He may need help.  He won't be doing this on purpose for attention of because he is lazy.

  11. There is definitely something wrong, taking him to the doctor is a very good idea.

  12. my 3 year old had gastro 3 months ago still pooing loads now health visitor said it has stripped his bowel so the poo hasnt got anything to grip onto and could be this way for few months yet, so he doesnt feel like he needs to go the toilet, hope this helps

  13. I would say that something is definitely wrong.  Seeing the doctor is a very good idea

  14. my brother is 3 and he poo's 1-2 times a day i think 12 is a bit much? go to a doctor

  15. Just before my sons 5th bday he started pooing his pants. It started out as skid marks n got worse n worse. I too thought he was being lazy, then chalked it up to being stressed over a move we were about to make, I even thought he could be being vindictive. I spanked his butt made him wash his underwear in the toilet begged him to just talk to me but nothing worked. I  stopped him from going to the local fire works show on the fourth last yr because of it.

    6 months after it began a new Dr. at my peds asked him a few Q.'s and felt his sphincter and confirmed he was constipated and the poo in his undies was seepage that was being forced around the blockage. Encopresis. A cpl of children's fleet enemas and some children's stool softeners ( not laxatives ) and he was better. However i had to be really careful of dairy products, they seemed to bind him up easily. But I discovered flavored soy milk. Chocolate is the best IMO. It really helps keep things regular. I hope its something this simple for you. I really hope this hasn't went on as long as it did here. The guilt I carry is great. good luck to u!!! This website is very informative.

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