
My little brother...Is this a lie about his prison sentence or no?

by Guest62358  |  earlier

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Ok now back on Feb 14 08 He was sent to prison for attempted burglary. No one was present at the trial,sentencing or whatever

No he's been telling us his release date is next month but according to these public records his release date isn't till 2010!! Please take a look at this docket and tell me what you think


Also is there a place I can call to verify his release date thanks




  1. he could get out on post release control and go to a half-way house.since it is a three year sentence he could do less than half  the time.

  2. You, uh, hang out with some interesting people.  What he might be talking about is a "prison op," which someone referred to here as "shock probation."  Essentially, he pleads guilty to something knowing that the maximum puts him in prison for ten, but also knowing that he will return to court in a period of months for "evaluation."  Should he not s***w up while in prison, he gets "evaluated" into felony probation.

    The problem with that analysis is a prison op is usually 90 days.  So let's look at it like a regular prison commitment.  Also, he seems to have a "C number", or prison ID number, which leads me to believe this wasn't an op.  In California, a nonviolent offense gets you 50% credits.  So you get busted for dealing drugs, you get 3 years, you do one and a half years.  A violent crime, like residential burglary (a strike in California), you get 15% credits, so you do almost the whole term.  I'm not sure about Ohio, but being an attempt, the burglary might get better credits than a straight burglary.  Add to that the time he sat in county jail before being sentenced, it sounds about right.

    So he gets released before the end of his "term" and serves the remainder on parole.  Just my guess.

  3. it really depends on what his minimum sentence is and I do not see that on there. You can contact the prison and they will tell you what his release date is. I worked in records. Do you know what his original sentence was?

  4. He can get out early for good behavior. Ohio also has "shock" probation or at least they used to - it is where they let you out early also. So yes, it could be legit.

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