
My little brother is 2 3/4s and my step mom is pregnant and whenever my parents say that he needs to be a....?

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big boy he gets really sad and says "Im 2 not big boy Im little boy". When my parents say that he will have a little sister he doesnt like it because hes the baby. Even though nobody calls him that. What could I do to help him. Im only 10 though.




  1. You are very sweet to want to help.  He needs your love, your time, and your attention.  Read to him and play with him.

  2. Say positive things about the baby around him  that should build his self esteem and make him look forward to the new arrival. In an upbeat way, remind him of how he'll get to help out with the baby, play with the baby, etc.  Also, take all of the attention away  from the new baby and give him his me time.    

  3. awwe,

    spend a good bit of time with him.

    he might be only two, but he still could think hes going to be forget about.

    make him feel special.

  4. tell him that he will always be your little brother now matter what. try to explain to him how you felt when you found out you were going to be a big sister. tell him that the baby is going to need both of you to show her how to do things just like you showed him. tell him that everything is going to be fine even after the baby gets here. and that you two will spend at least 1 hr. a day together (or how ever much you can) and keep your word. that is very important right now. he is jealous right now because he doesn't understand whats happening really. tell him that he will grow to love the baby just like you grew to love him. hope this helps. good luck & maybe you can talk to your parents about it after he goes to bed some night.

  5. When the baby comes she will be the center of attention and make him feel worse. So you can say hi to him and play with him more. And hang out with him and distract him from all the people coming over to see baby.

  6. About Ladedamom, he does type like a ten year old. Anyway, your brother is just jealous. Talk to him about how even when the new baby comes, you'll still get attention. If your brother isn't potty trained, talk about how newborns generally go more often than toddlers because of their small bladders. Tell him that your parents won't like CONSTANTLY changing diapers and will come back to him. If he is potty trained, tell him they just won't like changing diapers again and will pay a lot of attention to him. Also, next time, don't mention that you're under 13.

  7. awww,,,that lil man's feelings are hurt...he won't be to nice to the baby when he/she is born.try and spend time with him...encourage him to be "important to the new arrival" kids we're the same after they got need to feel not left out too,your still a baby too...expalin to him that "big"boys are able to do certain things,you know like you are...and show him things that would help him in "being"a big boy...and things will be ok.

  8. i think its cute you want to look after your brother. give him extra attention and show him all the good thing big boys get to do like take him for a walk or let him use a toy belonging to you that you don't alow

  9. Do big boy things with him. Do things with him that big siblings do. than Tell him see when your lil sister gets bigger you can teach her things..

  10. I doubt your 10 because you don't type like a 10 year old. If your 10 your too young to be on YA anyway since the minimum age is 13.

    In case this is a real question:

    I also don't see a problem here. All kids go through jealousy issues at that age with a new baby. He will eventually adjust. Just be sure to give him a little extra attention and I'm sure you're parents will handle it. After all, if they had you and then him I'm sure they know what they are doing.

  11. He enjoys being the center of attention, I'm sure you didn't feel all that great when he came along but was happy that he did when he was finally born.

    Just play with him and show him that you still care and that theres more than enough love to go around.

    And even after the new baby comes, keep doing what you were doing before with him.

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