
My little brother is 5 and hes not potty trained is he retarded?

by  |  earlier

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  1. While there's no magic age at which a child is ready to start using the potty, most toddlers will develop the necessary physical and cognitive skills between 18 and 24 months of age although some aren't ready to start until they're as old as four.

    If you are worried about your brother,i think you should have a word with your parents,instead of calling him that dreadful word.

    There could be an underlying medical condition which is causing it.

    Whatever the case ,you should have a word with your parents and encourage them to get some expert advice from a professional.

  2. There is some reason why he isn't potty trained, but I wouldn't say he is retarded. We can't make that call, but he could have something wrong. I am going to blame the parents on this one. It takes a lot of patience and work to potty train some kids and it can be really hard.

    His parents need to talk to his pediatrician, he needs to be using the bathroom by now or be finding out why he isn't.  

  3. I think you need to show your brother a little respect, and love.  Maybe that will help with his self esteem, leading to his potty training.

  4. yes

  5. No, but his mom is. He is way to old not to be potty trained. 2 1/2 should be the limit. His mom is just lazy and needs to show the boy some attention or love!!

  6. dont listen to these answers the are cruel and untrue the problem is some children take longer  potty training is kinda like creating a habitt it take a while . my advise to you is get  your parents to be consistent and show your brother some love he will need it if people are qeustioning him like that.

  7. Are YOU retarded?

  8. NEVER EVER EVER CALL A CHILD RETARDED!!!!! He should be potty trained, since he is not it is either because no one ever cared to help him and show him, or because he has "special needs". I would take him to a doctor and talk to them about it. By the way, it's other not oder, or did you mean older, you might want to go to school.

  9. First of all you shouldn't call a child retarded its a terrible word to use ..secondly its your parents you should be asking about your little brother ask them why he isn't potty trained at 5 he should be by now unless he has 'Special Needs' which you should be aware of by now

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