
My little brother plays football and I need a witty slogan for a shirt!

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My little brother is a senior, quarterback and I live out of town, get to go to one game, homecoming game. I want to make a tshirt with a good slogan on the front about him being my brother & quarterback and then I will put his name/number on back. Any suggestions?




  1. "We'll take your win and eat it too!"

  2. i say your stupid / My FrIeNd SaYs / My brother is what ever number he is and he sucks

  3. "His name" = Whatever number he wears

    Blackwell Maroons= Number 1

    Put together= Priceless.

  4. You Won't Get YOUR Quarterback!


    And I Won't Give the Ball Back Either

  5. "My Brother is RED HOT and ROLLING"

    or on the front -

    "Our Quarterback = TD's

    My Brother = Priceless"

  6. It depends on the name of the school.

  7. Chris cries at her bro's foes' destiny!!

  8. pinche joto

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