
My little brother put my syrian hamsters in the same cage and they fought...?

by  |  earlier

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While I was out of the house, and now one of my hamsters has a bloody spot on his side and she keeps scratching it and biting it and rolling around and now shes going around the cage biting everything she can find! Is she dying??? I love this hamster!




  1. Clean off the wound and put a little peroxide on it. With it a bit cleaner and the hair pushed aside you can probably tell how bad the injury really is - is it more of a "skinned knee" or a "puncture hole" type of injury.

    Skinned knees you can probably treat at home by putting peroxide on it and watching CAREFULLY for any signs of infection. Anything suspicious and you go to the vets ASAP.

    A more serious wound, you should see a vet for as she'll likely need antibiotics. If in doubt how bad the wound is, err on the side of caution and have a vet look at it.

    If treating at home, be sure to keep the cage clean, fresh water at all times and a high quality food for your pet.

    If she's still picking at her wound after you clean her up, try and distract her with her favorite treat to see if she'll settle down and stop messing with it. You can also try moving her cage to another room, in case the smell of the other hamster that injuried her is making her agitated. You'll probably be able to put the cages back in the same room tomorrow or a couple of days later without it causing her greif.

    If you have a male and a female hamster, there is a chance that you now have a pregnant female.

  2. I don't know if she is dying,, but maybe contact a vet and get them to look at the cut, until then try to keep the cage clean, so the wound doesn't get infected. Hope your hammy gets better sonn! Good Luck!

  3. D:!!!!! i'm so sorry~!  Try putting neosporn on the hamsters bloddy spot...   Make sure you brother knows not to do this again!  I hope hes being punished D:

  4. She is probly in a adreniline rush. She probly wants revange.

    But i dont know if she doesnt improve by tommarrow maybe take her to the vet.

    And beat up your bro. and say.

    "This is what my hamsters did to eachother, How do you like it?"

    Im sorry to hear about it.

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