
My little cousin has a problem?

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every time that my 4 year old cousin comes to town he trys to rape me. and i just dont know what to do anymore. i am like almost ten years older than him and he always trys to act so cute. but really he is like all over me when i babyt sit. sometimes i feel that way to but its kinda rapist of me. so tell me how to handle these feeling i have for my 4 year cousin. no joke please help and tell me if this has ever happened to you?




  1. Well if you babysit him at all tell him donot get on me because if you do you have to go to time out. That should possibly do the trick.

  2. a four year old????? is that what you meant to say?  You both have problems.  You should not be allowed to be alone with him.  get yourself a boyfriend and stay away from children.  Tell his mother you are not available for babysitting any more. Please see a therapist.

  3. A 4 year old does not know what is right and wrong especially when it comes to sexual acts unless he is being exposed to it from someone older then him.   STOP baby sitting him before you regret your own involvement with him, this must stop and you are the older one to know this is not right.

  4. I think you need psychological help. This is disgusting! I would not even admit to it! I honestly think it is disgusting and that you need help. Having sexual feelings for a 4 year old is perverted, it can get you in jail you weirdo!

  5. Sounds like you both have some serious issues.  Talk to his parents or yours, STOP thinking like that about a child.  It's really sick.  

    IF he is really acting like that he doesn't know what he is doing unless he has been abused, hopefully not by you in the past.  There is absolutly no reason for a 4 year old to act that way or to even know how.

    And for you having feelings like you want to do somthing to a child makes you sick and you shouldn't be allowed around him anymore.

  6. Ok, first of all,  a 4 year old should not know about those types of feelings.  2nd, rape is a harsh word -- do you really know what it means?  A 4 year old rapist?  If that is accurate, this child has been sexually abused.  Finally, you having feelings like that toward a 4 year old are not normal.  However, at 14, your sexuality is awakening.  You need to have a discussion with your parents about your feelings.  If you can't or if you feel uncomfortable doing that, then you need to find an aunt, grandmother, neighbor, guidance counselor, or trusted adult you can talk to.  If you can't find anyone, then make your way to the library and read up.  Knowledgee is power.

    Whatever you do, absolutely do not misinterpret your feelings of budding sexuality as being attracted to a four year old.  If you are attracted to a 4 year old, please please seek some help.  If the 4 year old is acting out sexually, he needs help  ... he's probably being abused --- Just my opinions.

  7. yea ok this must be  a joke

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