
My little cousin has a really bad pain in her upper chest.

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My younger cousin, who is 9, has been complaning of chest pain. I asked her if she felt like she had to burp, she said no. Her,her older brother who is 12, are staying over for the rest of the summer. My parents aren't home, they went to pick up my brother from soccer,then they all have to drive out of state, but my aunt's coming home tonight. I gave her a cup of soda, she didn't burp at all. I do not want to wait until 9:30 tonight, godforbid something can happen to her. Its' almost 2:30, but i do not know what to do. I'm 13 years old. The hospital is about 8 blocks away, Should i Just walk there or does she need to be accompanied by an adult? I could ask a neighbor to help, right? Please help. She's giving me a headache out of nervousness!




  1. Kids can get heartburn.  My 10 year old nephew has it.  Try giving her 2 Tums and see if that helps.  Is there any way to call her mom?  The hospital won't be able to treat her without parental consent unless it is a life threatening emergency.

  2. Ask if the pain is coming from her chest, does the pain go anywhere else?

    Has she felt this way before?

    Does it go up her left arm, jaw or neck? Call 911.

  3. Ask her if it feels like somebody's pushing with their hands down on her chest (crushing pain), if it's sort of hard to breathe, or if she feels dizzy or sick (those are symptoms of heart problems).  If not, she could just have indigestion or heartburn.

    But I wouldn't worry too much because nine-year-old kids don't normally have heart attacks.  She's probably okay, but I'd try calling your aunt just to be safe, if you can.

    EDIT:  Oh, and you might want to try calling a friend's parent or a neighbour or somebody else you trust if it seems bad.

  4. It may be gas, try laying her on her stomach and put a pillow under her pelvis so that her butt is in the air. Hopefully this will work if it doesn't call her mom or dad.

  5. tell her to lay down, drink some water.

  6. lay her down, put a heating pad on her, it'll help numb the pain and she'll fall asleep.

  7. ew i had that before it goes away after a while and make her drink lots of water and make her get lots of rest thats how i got rid of mine

  8. drink something and lay down


  9. Did she eat something spicy or acidic? It could just be indigestion. Do not give her any more soda, only water, as soda will aggravate the problem. Don't worry, more than likely it is nothing to stress about.  

  10. try massaging it..........

  11. Walk to the doctors and see if anything is wrong. Better safe than sorry!

  12. try you may be able to see what you can do. She may just have heartburn. Try an give her some acid neutralizer.  

  13. Call someone you can trust. Call one of your friends, and get her mom to come pick you up or something. You can also try calling 911, and telling them your predicament. You can get an ambulance sent out to you.

  14. It wouldn't hurt to ask a neighbor or near by trusted adult to help. I don't know if you should take her hospital unless the pain gets really severe. Like she can hardly breathe, severe.

    Have her lay down on the couch with a heating pad over her chest. That should help take the pain down. If you don't have a heating pad, give her some Advil or whatever brand of Ibuprofen you have.

    Turn on the cartoons and just keep an eye on her.

    Good luck, and don't worry too much!  

  15. Call a neighbor, it may be indigestion and she needs some tums or something.  Always better safe than sorry, so call a friend or if you are seriously concerned call your doctor's office and talk to a nurse.  I'm sure they will be happy to help.  If she is dizzy, has blurred vision, running a fever, or anything else that might indicate she is seriously ill, then a you may need to call 911 and see if they can walk you through what you should do.  But first things is first, call an adult friend or relative, or get your neighbor.

  16. Just walk to the hospital, you dont need a adult. Dont worry. She will be fine if you bring her to the hospital.

    And if your cousin says it doesnt hurt that much... then have her take cold medicine, and watch T.V. it might just be a chest cold. Happens. And most littler kids say a pinch hurts, so it may not be too serious.

    You should just go tot he hospital.

    If it feels like it is burning, it could be fatal.. take her to the hospital.

    -sharp/ stabing pain

    -presure.heavyness on the chest.



    If it feels like any of this: seek medical attention

    If it isnt one of those.....then

    Try not to breathe slowly, exersice, lay down, cough/ sneeze,

    and put ice on it or bend forward, if it feels better, then go to the hospital.

    Any kind of chest pain, could be fatal.

  17. She might be having her u know whats grow in, but i'd take her down.

  18. Can you call your parents or aunt? If not, call any other family members or go to your neighbor's for help.

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