
My little girl will be 2 in a few months, she is impossible to deal with! help!?

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My little girl will be 2 in a few months, she is impossible to deal with! help!?




  1. discipline and consequences and STICK to it, never go back because they will learn to always push

  2. My daughter will be 2 in a couple of weeks.  She can be impossible.  When she does something good, I praise her and let her know she is being good.  When she does something she isn't suppose to like color on the wall, I make her help me clean it up and tell her why it is bad.  When she climbs on things she shouldn't, I tell her no no and tell her why it is bad and make her sit on her naughty rug for 2 minutes.

  3. Its the terrible two's and all kids go through this. At this age they want their independents.and they let you know it.  It might

    help to try and get her to take a nap every day because kids

    behave worst when they are overly tired.

  4. Sit her down and explain to her that you are the mommy and she needs to listen. If she does not listen then maybe you should give her a light spanking on the hand! It may startle her at first...but she will learn not to act up!

  5. lol my necie was a beast at that age to we use to call her miss thing, we got her into 4 wheelers and she straighened up so if you find something she likes and she focuses on it it will be ok maybe a tumbling class or something where she deals with other kids

  6. if she has temper tantrum problems; this is an one of my nanny's home remedies, if  you tell her no and she pitches a fit keep a cold glass of water in the fridge  and when she does it again try to warn her "Mommy doesn't like that; if she wont stop throw the water in her face and walk away. get a small water gun if your out like in a car ride or something. it worked for me, my mom, my sister, my cousin, and my nephew.

  7. whip her *** as simple as that

  8. My daughter is 18 months and going through what seems like the beginning of "terrible twos" as well.  She has begun hitting a lot.  She also climbs on everything including our kitchen table.  She is also very whiny a lot of the time when we take her places.  She sometimes will have a fit in the shopping cart because she wants to get down and run!  I think it's a tough age for children because they have a hard time expressing what they want or need, because their verbal skills are so limited.  In turn, this results in whining and tantrums.  In order to reduce these episodes these are the things I have done with my daughter:

    1.  Make sure she is well rested and fed before taking her out anywhere and make sure to have plenty of extra sippy cups and snacks.

    2.  Correct bad behaviors with a stern "no" or whatever else you chose to say to let her know what she is doing is not ok.  I also give my daughter "the look."  It's a look I give her each time she is doing something unacceptable.  For instance, when she hits I always say "Kaylie, do not hit/no hitting. That's not nice.  It hurts."  In turn, I give her the look.  And I say this in a stern voice...not yelling, just firm.  And remember to give a brief explanation of why it's not ok.  

    3.  Also, sometimes bending down to their level to talk to them helps as well.  They seem to pay better attention that way.  

    4.  Keep at it.  You might have to repeat "no hitting" 10 times in one day, but eventually they will get it.  Just be consistent.  

    5.  You can use natural consequences also, for instance, if she is coloring on the walls with crayons, then crayons get taken away for a few days.  Things like that.

    6.  Don't lose your cool.  Kids will play off of your stress.  Let them know that you are serious by being firm, but not flying off the handle.  

    7.  Forget  spanking. I have tried that with my daughter a few times, but the result ended up being her hitting me back - obviously did no good.  

    Good luck!!

  9. Darling, she's two. Thats what they're like (in my experience anyway)

    I have 2 2yr olds, and yes they can be frustrating, but they dont know any better, and thats how they learn. You've just gotta be patient and understanding towards your daughter.

  10. Welcome to the terrible twos.  Fun age isn't it.  Hard to believe but you will make it through.  This is the age where you are going to have to do a lot of repeating, and mild discipline.  Taking favorite toys away at this age works great or no treats.  I had to take away all my sons toys at this age cause he refused to eat pretty much everything.  I only used it as a threat I thought for sure he didn't want all his toys gone, but he said no not eating so I got up from the table and said okay mommy is taking all your toys away.  He said okay I want to help.  WE packed everything except books and puzzles away and he had to earn them back by eating his supper.  I didn't use this as a first resort either it had been months of not eating even asking him what he wanted making it and then being told no I don't eat that.  Very frustrating age but get it under control now and it is smoother sailing in about a year.

  11. Well it is hard to know how to give advice because we do not know the behavior. However... I believe very much in logical or natural consequences. You need to keep in mind also her age. She is at a very egocentric stage which I am sure you are familiar with. This means she only wants to make herself happy and do what feels good. Kids have to learn to go from internally pleasing themselves and form ideas about what others around them think and feel. That being said, when she is doing something you dont want her to do, try to repeat NO and take her away from the object. DO NOT ENGAGE YOUR DAUGHTER. Dont offer long explanations that only satisfy your frustration especially because she wont understand them. Keep firm and offer short demands of her. Limit the amount of eye contact after disciplining her as this is engaging. Dont argue back if she gives you a mouthful. Simply let her know that your rules are it and dont argue or change your tune. If neccessary keep repeating the same thing. Pick your battles but make sure to win. Now, if she throws a toy for example (a barbie) then explain as she gets older that if she cannot handle playing with her Barbies properly  then it is obvious she cant have them for a while. She may throw a fit  but dont even make eye contact. This tells her that what you say goes and it goes the first time.  So in summary, make sure the offense ties closely with the consequence so that it makes sense. There is nothing worse than a parent whose child does something wrong and the consequence is grounding. The grounding isnt logical always and becomes ineffective. Good luck and stay firm!

  12. Welcome to the terrible 2s and next the horrific 3s.  This is the time to learn about time out.   Explain to her when her actions are not acceptable there is time out and stick to it, don't fall for the melodrama

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