
My little sis is really nervous about going into 6th grade any tips on how she could overcome that?

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Im so sad to see her so nervous and sad.She was so excited about going but now she is saying she doesnt want to enter 6th grade and she is fearing it like crazy o_O SHE asked me how to get over it i was like well i wasnt afraid bc i knew everyone all my grade friends from fifth went to southwood with me so yea. . . . any advice? :]




  1. Just reassure her that it's not that big of a deal. Promise to make it a special day for her. Do something after school (on the first day) like Take her for pizza or ice-cream. That will give her something fun to look forward to and take some of the anxiety away.

  2. tell her to stay with her friends for awhile and theyll overcome there fears. tell her to be her normal self and everything will be ok. if she shows her nervousness in class shell wont learn

  3. tell her that everyone else feels the same way. because they probably do.

  4. Okay well let her know that it will be okay. Reassure her that she is a talented and smart girl. Just let her know that you will always be there for her. 6th grade is such a hard time cause its a transition to becoming more responsible for your own actions. Tell her that it will be hard from the start but it gets easier once you get used to it. It's so nice of you to be worried for her and its so nice to see a wonderful sisterly love. Good Luck. =D

  5. it's middle school, she'll have the same friends. It's a chance to learn new things and make new friends.

    It's one step tward growing up, a lot of young people are afraid of going into a new place; it's normal.

  6. simplest thing is to take her in to the school , meet the teacher, see the classroom...

  7. keep your head up high. so many kids in middle school have confidence problems and you just have to realize how awesome you are. also, dont worry about making friends. my sister was at a school where she had no friends (which wont happen to your sister bc she's staying in the same school district) but she made friends by complimenting ppl! its really easy. just be like "omg i love your shirt its so cute whered you get it" < there you go you have a new friend. your gonna have an awesome time in middle school, enjoy it! you only have a few more years of being a kid and they go by too quickly. most importantly work hard on the school part, get good grades! :) good luck

  8. well wen i was about to go to 6th grade i was nervous.and i was thinking to myself what if i don't make any friends or they don't like me but it turned out to be a good experience and until this day i still have the friends i had in 6th grade and their the best.

    so tell her it wont be that bad a first but she'll get the hang of's actually fun.

  9. tell her what it was like on your first day of middle school was like but if it wasn't good just lie it wouldn't hurt to tell her that it will be the best possible day in her life and it will only get better from their

  10. Tell her that, on the very first day, she should find the biggest kid and beat them up.  Primary school is a lot like prison, and it's important to establish dominance.  Otherwise she's going to have to spend the year trading her cigarettes for protection.  And she's going to have to join a gang either way, so you should tell her to pick one out before she goes.  If she can get all the membership details (like tattoos and colored bandanas) out of the way before she goes, she'll be one step ahead of the game.  Also, remind her that it's not polite to ask the other kids what they're in for.  If she can stay out of trouble, and if she completes all the rehabilitation, she might even qualify for one of the early release programs.

    Oh, and I almost forgot, tell her not to shank anyone.  That'll add about five years to her sentence.

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