
My little sister chelsea...............?

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Its almost 9:30 and she shuld be going to bed. shes 8. how do i get her to calm down. right now shes on her laptop playing on habbo hotel and listening to music. she told me she wont go to sleep because shes afraid of the dark and thinks the house is haunted because the cats and puppy run around when the lights to out and scare her. shes also taking advantage of this time because our dads not home. he took my stepsister to the er




  1. Tell her to turn laptop off... stay CALM, DONT SHOUT but be FIRM.  If she doesnt do it, You do it for her... tell her tis bedtime, tell her you will read her a book or sit with her, or she can sleep with the light on.  Ask her is she wants a hot chocolate or cup tea and biscuit before bed... STAY calm and relaxed and do not give in

  2. nightlight or just rub her back

  3. I have a little sister too, and I go through the same thing.

    First, tell your sister that your Dad left you in charge and that she needs to go to bed.  Tell her that it is time to put the computer away but you will sit with her for a few minutes as long as she closes her eyes and tries to go to sleep.  

    If you have a CD player/iPod and some speakers, try to play some soft music for her while you sit.  That can make her fall asleep easier, and you'll have more time to do as you want.

    If you have a night light, try plugging that in, too.

    If she refuses to comply with you, tell her that you will tell your dad when he comes home that she wasn't listening to you and let him deal with it.

    Good Luck!

  4. well lf you have a nite lite try plugging this in so theres a little bit of light thats in her roomso she doesn`t get scared

  5. you should stay in the room with her until she gets to sleep so that she isnt afraid. =)

  6. Have he lay down in bed and lay there with her read stories and just wait till she goes to sleep. It may seem a little annoying but it will be worth it.

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