
My little sister found lizard eggs and wants to know how to take care of them... What does she need to do?

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My little sister found lizard eggs and wants to know how to take care of them... What does she need to do?




  1. Normally you shouldnt care for wild lizards. And it would also depend on the type of lizard it was.

  2. if she keeps them be careful i would take them because they would have probably died how  many baby lizards do you see w/ mommy? barley any! mother reptiles leave there young as soon as they hatch or earlier except for some snakes

  3. leave them alone. Whereever they were is the best place to keep them b/c they were laid there for a reason I'm sure. the spot probably had the perfect humidity and temperature to incubate the eggs. You also don't want to take in wild eggs. If she wants to take care of eggs, introduce her to some domestic reptiles so she can breed on her own but make sure to leave the eggs alone. It's tough to give advice on the description you gave anyway. One would probably need to know the kind of lizard the eggs came from. From there advice on how they would need to be incubated could be given. In short, the eggs need to be incubated and putting them anywhere different than where they were found could kill them. Temp's too hot can fry the eggs. Also if the eggs are turned in anyway, they have most likely been damaged and are unhatchable. Eggs should not be touched unless you have a good clue on what you are doing

  4. leave the eggs's not good for you to take them away.give it back to tthe nest.

    the parents must be away for some time hunting food

  5. the best thing to do if she found the eggs today is to take them to a store that specalizes in reptiles...they can candle the eggs to see if the babies are still alive inside and if the babies are still alive leave the eggs there at the store so tht they can give the eggs the proper care.  if you have a reptile store that is privately owned in your town that would be the best...not petsmart or petco if you can help it although if that is all that you have near you then take the eggs there and ask for the reptile expert.  unfortunately though more than likely the babies wont make it...if they are improperly handled after they are laid the babies inside will die.  reptile eggs arent suppoused to be turned once they are laid and they also have to be kept a certain temps (these temps vary from lizard to lizard).  even if they eggs hadnt been turned and have been kept warm you would need an incubator to keep them at the right temps and humidity levels.

  6. If she moved them she can throw them away. Reptiles lay eggs that are not ever supposed to turn or move after they are laid. If the eggs are turned the embryo dies.EDIT They are not bird eggs . Temp can vary 10 to 20 degrees humidity must be maintained, and Candling doesn't work well on reptile eggs The first week or two you won;t see anything then the shells don't transmit light well. If you move or turn the eggs you kill the embryo.

  7. listen to me put the eggs back where you found them and go to a local pet store or a breeder and buy one. if your a begginer with lizards here are some good ones


    bearded dragon



    water dragon

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