
My little sister is being a brat! Please help!!! 10 points for best answer!!!!?

by Guest45160  |  earlier

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My little sister is 12 years old and I'm 15. She never knows when to leave me alone! When she comes in my bedroom she never knocks and always wants me to play with her! On Thursday she had her birthday party and invited 17 girls to go skating. She got sooo many presents and she should be happy, but when she got home from school today she was acting like a brat. She hits me and kicks me and I'm pretty sick of it now. Shouldn't she be more mature by now? Whenever I'm on the phone, she comes in my room! I never have privacy from her. Whenever she gets what she wants, she just acts worse! She uses her rollerskates in the basement, and is always begging me to come down and watch her skate. I do sometimes, but it gets old. And this is pathetic, but if I don't do what she wants she counts! Like she's my mom or something! Yes, I ignore it, but she still does it. If there is something of mine she wants, she feels she has to force me to give it to her, which I don't. And I'm into art, but she is always using my art supplies and completely wasting them! Like I had this clay, and she made a ball with 2 ears and said it was a bunny head! I think she does that just to annoy me though, but that stuff costs money. Know what I mean? Another thing she does if I don't listen to her is call me names. Once she even stuck her tongue out! Isn't that kind of childish for her age? I've tried talking to my parents about it, and they agree she acts like a spoiled brat at times, but she doesn't listen anyway. Is there anything else I can do? She is really getting on my nerves! PLEASE HELP! 10 points for best answer!

And no I am not letting her control me, it's just what she does because I don't let her control me that makes me mad.




  1. usually when younger kids do this

    they look up to you

  2. Just tell her that unless she acts more responsible and treats you with more respect you just going to ignore her, then if she doesn't change ignore her.  it might drive you crazy not saying anything but she will get bored then it might click.

    I have a younger sister well 2 actually but one is 13 years younger than me and I know how you feel they drive me crazy sometimes lol


  3. I know how you feel. Except, I'm the younger sibling in my case.

    Personally, lay down the line to her. You don't have to yell at her, but get it through her head that's not okay, and it's not going to be tolerated by you. More importantly, don't give in. You shouldn't have to do what she wants, all the time. Playing with her is a nice gesture for an older sister to do, but not forced and not when she acts like a brat. Next time she asks you to 'play with her' tell her quite plainly that the second she does something rude, obnoxious, or plain out just bratty you are leaving. If she really wants you to be her play-mate that bad, this could work. Explain to her that what's yours is yours. You don't go and take her roller-skates, especially not with out permission. I have no symphony for a girl older then me that acts like you says she does. I'd recommend hiding your art supplies somewhere safe. Maybe you could lock them in your bedroom (Unless you guys share one. I don't know if you do or not.) Maybe, you could try acting like how she does. Next time she says something bratty, mock what's she's doing exactly. Keep doing that untill she apologizes and finally realizes that's how she acts. When she calls you names, ignore her. (Rofl, I know this worked when I was littler, and seeing how immature she sounds, this might work.) Tell her nobody is ever going to like her if she acts like that. She'll grow up, and go to high school, and have no friends if she does that. People don't like rude people. (Sounds mean, I know. But, hey, it could work!)

    Other then that, I don't really know. Hope I helped!

  4. Poor you! She sounds so annoying! She is clearly attention seeking, so just try to ignore her. Talk to your parents and tell them how you feel, but be serious about it, don't whine. If all that fails she may grow out of it in time... hopefully!

  5. Set boundaries. People behave the way they are allowed to. She has been allowed to behave like a brat so she does. Move your art supplies into a locked box or cupboard and don't let her use them without your permission. If she chooses to act like a child then treat her like one.

  6. talk  to them  

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