
My little sister is into.................

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My little sister is into everything I am!!I'm sick of it!!Like when Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince comes out she has to go see it!All she does is eat, breathe, and sleep Harry Potter!!I wanted to be the only one into Harry Potter now she wants to be to!!!How can I get her to stop??

God Bless

btw she is 8 yrs old




  1. She is young and she will grow out of her. But maybe you can channel her energy in other ways, such as taking to the mall, fun spots where you can do things together or play a game with her other than harry Potter games.  

  2. For one,, you guys should NOT be into Harry Potter it ss WITCHCRAFT.

    And if you are a CHRISTIAN especially not! Witchcraft goes against the holy bible which is God's word. tHAT IS HOW WITCHCRAFT IS IT SUCKS YOU IN. YOU ARE DABBLING IN THE DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND and it goes against God.


  3. OMG she only 8 be nice she just wants to be like you your sounding selfish

  4. well it admirable that see looks up to you, but i there's really nothing you can do except find a new "thing."

    i will recommend the book "twlight."

    Or you can try and get her to like something else, like Bratz Dolls, or whatever 8 years old like.

    hope i helped. :]

  5. i hope she is still into *****

  6. because she wants to be like you.

  7. You cant get her to stop. She eventually will grow out of it, (mabye) and perhaps she won't. Learn to live with it, its the hard part of being a big sister.

  8. do something so stupid that she dose not want to do it

  9. Oh, for pete's sake, shut up and grow up and stop being selfish.

  10. well i know you're older perhaps a teen it's nothing don't be mean to her she justtake you as a role model maybe she likes your personality and wants to be like u u know monkey see monkey do that ryme. Well, let her play with friends sometimes keepher away if u like but don't be super mean or super sweet cause super sweet freaks me out anyway by the time she is 9 she'll forget about your life style andget into other stuff the easist way is play the game or just talk to her about how she is acting and understand yourself she' is small wants attention! she wants u too be the role model right now! hope ya luck she ll change as she grows one time you'll want that attention from her

  11. get over it there's only millions of people who are into harry potter, you are not the only one. she just admires you and wants to be like you; if you told her you didn't like it anymore she'd probably forget it

  12. Holy Cow.

    I'm sorry, but this is about the most selfish question i have ever heard in my LIFE.

    First of all, your sister looks up to you (although she probably won't admit it), and admires you.

    Also, this is only about Harry Potter? Hun, there are millions of people "into" Harry Potter.  If there weren't, you'd never have heard of him!  Instead of pushing her away from the things she likes, relish in the fact that you do in fact, share an interest, and you can talk about Harry Potter, watch the movies together, etc.

    You are lucky to have someone who is interested in the same things you are, believe me it's MUCH better than if she hated everything you did!

    And quite honestly, I don't care if you think I'm being rude here at the bottom, because you need a wake up call.

    First, putting "God Bless" at the end of your post does not make it right.  You truly believe that you can be a spoiled whiney brat and then two little words at the bottom will make it all okay? That's like smoking dope, but drawing a cross on your rolling paper.  Would you say that's okay?  There are people out there who are WAY worse off than you could ever imagine - start with the common "starving in Africa".  Or what about people whos parents fight every night? Or whos brother rapes them.  Or who were lucky enough to have a little sister, but she died in a car crash.  

    Come off your high horse and grow up.  Realize how lucky you are, be thankful for the things you have, and don't be a selfish prick, 'cause it's really unattractive.

    And lastly.. just be happy Harry has another fan!  

  13. Because you are the greatest person she could ever have she wants to be like you  when you grow up! And i probably already know your a great person! So talk to her and tell her "I am tired of you copying me for whatever i do so please stop" say it nicely and give her a hug and then just flash a smile and leave.

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