
My little sister tried to run away!!!???

by  |  earlier

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She's only six. She knocked over a vase and decided to run away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

We were so worried, she even left us this little note, she can barely spell! Why would she think that breaking something would mean that she should pack up and leave!? What can we do to prevent this from reoccuring?





  1. Talk to her. Let her know what mistakes is part of being human and living life and everyone makes them and thats doesn't mean she has to put herself in danger over one little thing because its okay and her being with y'all is way more inportant than a silly old vase.

  2. If she is only 6, she is probably not really thinking properly about running away. I used to run away quite frequently when I was young. Mostly attention seeking with me though. :P

    I think to prevent this from reocurring, you/your parents should talk to her and tell her you'll always love her no matter what she does and tell her that she shouldn't run away. Don't make too big a deal out of it though, or she will realise that she gets attention if she runs away and may do it again.

    I don't think it's anything to worry about really, especially as she's so young.

  3. maybe she thought that it was really bad, and didn't want it to happen again. maybe if she got yelled or punished to much she felt it was VERY bad.

  4. you need to convince her that no matter what she breaks or what lies she tells you'll always love her and that she won't be in too much trouble tell her that by running away she makes the situation worse

    and warn her about all the things that can happen if you guys don't know where she is

    make sure to include the fact that the police can be involved

    (i don't agree with scaring children but the reality is that her running away is not only dangerous but it is also misguiding,by telling her that running away will fix everything)

    Good Luck

  5. What if a similar event occurred before, and she experienced a bad reaction? She is probably afraid of getting yelled at or grounded. Sit down with her, and try to get down to the bottom of this. Find out what happened, but talk to her in a calm manner. Then let her know that it was a mistake, and that you still love her no matter what.

  6. sit and talk to her and tell her that everybody makes mistakes and nobody's perfect. (if she likes Hannah Montana sing the song :-D) tell her even celebrities make mistakes. to prevent this from happening u should adjust the doorknob so she cant reach it and justin case install an alarm. good luck!

  7. Let her know that making mistakes is a part of life, everyone does it and it's ok.

  8. U have to talk to her over stuff. U need to tell her that breaking a vase dosent make her get into much trouble. She also needs to talk to her parents about this stuff, she needs to understand that breaking a vase is no reason to run away.

  9. She was probably scared of what you would do if you found out she broke the vase. Tell her it's ok to tell her family what she has done,and doesn't have to be scared to tell.

  10. The reason she wants to run away is because of the broken Vase, she is afraid you are going to be very mad at her.

    Talk to her about being careful and that you do not want her to run away because of a broken vase.  If that does not help next time she wants to run away; tell her to be free to go but cannot take any of her favorite things; toys or teddy and that she cannot go with any of her clothes because you bought all those.  Also that her siblings will miss her terribly but will not be able to go with her because; they do not want to run away.  For a while she will stop all these running away business and find something else to blackmail you with.  Do not giving in so much because at that age the really do not understand the repercussion of what they say or do.  Goodluck

  11. This is totally normal for her age, especially if she is usually good and intelligent.  She probably feels embarrassed and unworthy when she makes a mistake around you guys.  With in reason, don't make things too big of a deal.  If she does make a mistake, don't blow it out of proportion.  She is probably hard enough on herself.  Just make sure you have a balanced approach to disciplining her.  The running away will stop if everyone lets her know that she is still loved even if she makes a "boobo" here and there.

  12. your mum, or dad, need to sit and speak with her properly.

    Let her know that mistakes are mistakes and its not necessary to punish her, but yet if she does things on purpose, she would never have to leave, she will get into trouble, but not bad enough to need to run away.

    I'm taking it your sisters is obv scared of the punishment she thought she would receive, shes still learning, right from wrong and she did something on accident, yet she doesn't really understand what accidents are, and obv believes everything bad that happens she'll be punished for.


  13. you need to talk to her, tell her that just because she breaks somethings doesn't mean that you don't love her and want her around, maybe she thought that she would get in trouble for breaking the vase and she didn't want to be.  kids learn things from any where kids they go to school with, tv, your friends, yourself, and you never know where she got the idea.

    they have things for doors that chime when you open them maybe you should talk to your mom and dad about installing them on the doors and windows of her room and any door that goes outside so you know if someone leaves or comes in with out you knowing it.

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