
My little sisters starting my high school soon, i'm so worried for her!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i'm going into year 10 =]

she'll be starting year 7 (first year).

she's really quiet though, like she won't even talk to my nan, and grandad she's that shy.

i just don't want her to be vunerable. (she's very emotional too)

I wanna be there with her in high school 24/7 to see if she's alright.

but i know i can't.

I said as long as you stick with your friends, you'll be fine.

but, as she's shy, i'm wondering how she'll make friends?

She's got a small group of friends though most in her classes =].

i dunno how to handle it?

it's been gettin to me all summer, i think i feel especially strong about this, as

she lost her dad a few years back, and she doesn't open up about it

(not that i'd expect her to. no rush) So i don't know what's going on with her. Whether she's nervous etc.

i KNOW i'm over reacting but i can't help it! i care too much =]

What should i do?

Do i watch her back 24/7?

Leave her to it?



Thankyou x




  1. I was shy when i was in school. if she has at least one friend in each class she will be just fine. It's not how many friends you have it's how close you are to the friends you have. it would help to sit in the middle of the class. It's nice she has a big brother like you. i am sure she will be just fine. The best way to handle it is not to show her that you are worried so she worries. i know it's hard sometimes. if she feels comfortable in the area she will open up. where i went to school you got put in groups to do projects and activities and you get to know people. If there is an activity she likes in school she would want to do, she could meet people that way to. I had one best friend when i went into school and i met people as i went through school. It was fine.

  2. Yeah, keep an eye out for her, but don't stick too close. She might get annoyed that you are there all the time, but then again, she might cling to you all the time if you are there all the time, and you want her to learn to stand on her own two feet. Give her a week or two, if she is having a lot of trouble making friends during that time, you are allowed to offer to introduce her to some people, but remember, don't be her bodyguard. Say hi or smile when you see her and encourage her. She'll probably do a lot better than you expect, and she already has some friends, so I think she'll do ok. Best of wishes to her!

  3. just always try to check up on her and make sure she has someone to talk to like during lunch and in between classes. and try to help her meet new people.

  4. i know how u feel my sister is starting  high school this year too and shes  going to a school where she isnt going to know anyone and shes very shy too. im worried that maybe she wont make friends or something

    but u no what both of them will make friends we jsut have to have faith in them. i told my sister to make sure she sits in the middle of the classroom so she has people to talk to all around her. dont sit in the back or all the way in the front

    good luck to u and ur sister :)

  5. Are you Canadian? Because I heard Canada starts HS 7th grade.

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